Below is a list of incremental steps that will be neede in order to fully vet out the transition to LPC1768 processor and Trinamic TMC2130 stepper motor drivers.
TMC2130 Check-out with Arduino Mega 2560
[x] Build TMC2130 boards
[x] Install Trinamic TMC2130 boards
[x] Make SPI cable for TMC2130 boards NOTE TO SELF: Need to make sure we've got the necessary components for this
[ ] TMC2130 console testing and sanity check
[ ] Get motors to move when commanded, in correct direction and # of steps / degrees
[ ] Monitor back EMF / stallGuard2 readouts and determine if it can be used for homing and probing
[ ] Write FireStep code to perform homing, using stallGuard readouts
[ ] Write FireStep code to perform Z probing, using stallGuard readouts
Migration to LPC1768 (MotionBoard)
[ ] Change jumpers from 5.0V to 3.3V
[ ] Perform any necessary mods to EMC02 board
[ ] Perform any necessary mods to Smoothie board
[ ] Load FireStep ARM code onto MotionBoard using either serial bootloader or micro SD card
[ ] LPC1768 boot-up and console check for alive-ness
Below is a list of incremental steps that will be neede in order to fully vet out the transition to LPC1768 processor and Trinamic TMC2130 stepper motor drivers.
TMC2130 Check-out with Arduino Mega 2560
Migration to LPC1768 (MotionBoard)
OpenPnP Integration and Testing
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