TinclG / PAS_analysis

Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS) disorders fall within the group of Placental Implantation Abnormalities. In this project we analysed differences in gene expression in the microenvironments of PAS and normal pregnancies.
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Change YAML header on .rmd notebooks #6

Open vjmarteau opened 2 years ago

vjmarteau commented 2 years ago

Example YAML header on one of my notebooks

title: "01-Reformat_to_SummarizedExperiment" author: "Valentin Marteau" params: data: "../data" results: "../results" lib: "../lib" maxcores: 6 output: html_notebook: theme: spacelab highlight: textmate toc: yes number_sections: true toc_depth: 3 toc_float: true

You can edit the YAML header to change the behaviour of your notebook when exported (see output).

"params" can be used to read in different paths that you might want to use. (Can be accessed using params$data, etc ...)

Often it is nice to have any code for data wrangling in separate scripts that are called and to use the notebooks to plot and discuss data/figures.