Closed SaeedNoshadi89 closed 2 years ago
Hi. I added these libraries:
implementation "com.tinder.scarlet:scarlet:$scarlet_version" // Optional implementation "com.github.tinder.scarlet:scarlet-websocket-okhttp:$scarlet_version" implementation "com.github.tinder.scarlet:scarlet-stream-adapter-rxjava2:$scarlet_version" implementation "com.github.tinder.scarlet:scarlet-message-adapter-moshi:$scarlet_version" implementation "com.github.tinder.scarlet:scarlet-lifecycle-android:$scarlet_version"
But when I want to use Flowable and @Json, it's not working. my app can't find this class and annotation
Flowable is from io.reactivex.Flowable. So import RxJava into your project.
to use Flowable, include the rxjava2 adapter. to use @Json, include the moshi adapter and Moshi library to set things up.
Hi. I added these libraries:
But when I want to use Flowable and @Json, it's not working. my app can't find this class and annotation