TingsterX / SpatialGradientParcellation

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Questions about code usage #1

Open jcgriffis opened 3 years ago

jcgriffis commented 3 years ago


I have a few questions about applying this code to my data.

The documentation says the usage is:

./x_gradient.sh PathToFile/ <ThePath/lh.mask.nii.gz> <L.midthickness.surf.gii>

What is the procedure for creating the file, and what is the file supposed to contain?

In the x_gradient.sh script, the variable is set to fsaverage5. What is this for? If my data are on the 10k_fs_lr surface and aligned to the Yerkes19 template, would I simply set this to 10k_fs_lr? Also, what should and be set to?

If my data are already in gifti/cifti format, do I need to remove the first two calls to wb_command -metric-convert?

Basically, the data that I am working with were pre-processed by someone else and so I do not have access to the raw data files, but what I do have are surface timeseries files (dtseries.nii) and surface files (surf.gii) at 10k vertex resolution registered to the Yerkes19 template for each animal. I'm just trying to make sure I am applying this appropriately to these data.

Thank you for your help!

TingsterX commented 3 years ago

Hi Joseph,

What is the procedure for creating the file, and what is the file supposed to contain?

In the x_gradient.sh script, the variable is set to fsaverage5. What is this for? If my data are on the 10k_fs_lr surface and aligned to the Yerkes19 template, would I simply set this to 10k_fs_lr? Also, what should and be set to?

If my data are already in gifti/cifti format, do I need to remove the first two calls to wb_command -metric-convert?

Basically, the data that I am working with were pre-processed by someone else and so I do not have access to the raw data files, but what I do have are surface timeseries files (dtseries.nii) and surface files (surf.gii) at 10k vertex resolution registered to the Yerkes19 template for each animal. I'm just trying to make sure I am applying this appropriately to these data.

Let me know if anything is not clear. Ting

jcgriffis commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the clarification; this is very helpful!

I do have one question, though:

"I didn't include the code for calculating the functional similarity here. The similarity of functional connectivity can be done using the matlab function 'paircorr_mod.m' or wb_command command '-cifti-correlation'. Note here, consistent with Wig2013, Gordon2014, the cortical feature is the similarity of functional connectivity, we can also use other cortical features as well (e.g. myelin, Glasser2016)."

So, would the functional similarity file here correspond directly to the 'corrofcorr_L.dconn.nii' that is saved by the Gordon et al., 'surface_parcellation.m' function?

Thanks again for your help,


jcgriffis commented 3 years ago

Also, it looks like the watershed algorithm is applied outside of the x_gradient script to create the label maps?

TingsterX commented 3 years ago

Hi Joseph,

sorry, this message slipped my mind. I hope you have found the solution.

Re: functional similarity. It is the similarity (Pearson'r) of the functional connectivity (Pearson'r), including the whole cortex data in the calculation. In the earlier test, I also checked the gradient of functional connectivity and the results are similar, though the previous study suggested that spatial and temporal similarities could be somewhat different (FIg1 Craddock et al., 2012 HBM). I think 'corrofcorr' is what you are looking for, but not 100% sure it includes the full cortex.

Re: watershed, in x_gradient script, it calls the matlab function to calculate all edge maps and all label maps. If you would like to create a single edge and label map, you'll need to average the edge maps to generate the edge probability map, then run the watershed algorithm again to general one single edge/label map.

Best, Ting