TinkerBoard / android-7.1.2_kernel

Android Kernel source for Tinker Board
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Soft keys disappearing #6

Open sobrinho opened 5 years ago

sobrinho commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

The soft keys are randomly disappearing from the screen.

I discovered that changing the language, removing one or adding a new one makes it appear back again (maybe this is triggering some kind of refresh).

I'm using Automate as my launcher right now but this is happening even with a fresh install before installing or changing anything in the system.

sobrinho commented 5 years ago

Here is a video demonstrating the problem: https://youtu.be/VC-mlGEL_mU

jamess-huang commented 5 years ago

We did not see this problem before We will try to duplicate it. May I know what image version do you use ?

sobrinho commented 5 years ago

Android 7.1.2, compiled on my machine (Ubuntu 18) using those instructions: https://tinkerboarding.co.uk/forum/thread-1865.html

jamess-huang commented 5 years ago

Dear, sobrinho https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Q1Kc_88wcmPTQqDO9K4HRIrqYTnUTggn The above link is the image built by asus which is the same code base as bitbucket. Can you give it a try ?

sobrinho commented 5 years ago

The bug is worse now: https://youtu.be/hAc4zEhJQWM

The trick of adding/removing/swapping language still fix the problem, though.

Seems like rebooting/powering off the device it does not happen again with this image, mine the bug was happening again on every reboot.

jamess-huang commented 5 years ago

It means only the first boot after flash the image can duplicate this issue ?

sobrinho commented 5 years ago

Yes, that's right.

The one I compiled by myself it happens in every boot, not sure why.

sobrinho commented 5 years ago

Seems like it is consistent in my build for whatever reason, every reboot I lose all buttons except home.

Changing density with adb shell wm density to whatever value and returning to the previous density, fix the problem (but lose again on next reboot).

Maybe it is related to that file: https://bitbucket.org/TinkerBoard_Android/rk-frameworks-base-n/src/5f9fbfee088001cf94068aec4dbd08c37dd99671/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/NavigationBarInflaterView.java?at=sbc%2Ftinkerboard%2Fasus%2FAndroid-7.1.2#NavigationBarInflaterView.java-41

I can't fully understand what is happening in that file but seems like there is a check for density but I have no idea if this is related.

sobrinho commented 5 years ago

One last finding is that changing the buttons that appears there is not working: settings put secure sysui_nav_bar "recent;home;back,space,space".

I saw a few commits changing the logic in that file that may have messed with that too.

jamess-huang commented 5 years ago

Dear, sobrinho May I know your build is clean build or not ? (clean build here means remove all the out/* files then build)

sobrinho commented 5 years ago

Tried both but not sure how this would impact anything.

I've just cleaned and compiled the entire project and burned the image to the TB, the problem remains.

sobrinho commented 5 years ago

I'm seeing the same behavior for other users compiled versions, like this one: https://tinkerboarding.co.uk/forum/thread-2033.html

So, definitely not an issue just for my compiled version.

sobrinho commented 5 years ago

New information!

Using the swipe screen lock, the problem never happens.

Using none screen lock, the problem always happens (can be fixed by changing the DPI through adb to any value or simply changing the language, the problem reappears in the next boot, though).

Probably something when we do the swipe to unlock the device do something that fixes the problem.

sobrinho commented 5 years ago

Scratch that, just a coincidence, after a few reboots it happened again.