TinkerBoard / debian_kernel

Debian Kernel source for Tinker Board
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I am using Tinker Board with PiCamera v2.1. How do I set the Color format for the captured image and also how to set exposure params? #25

Open aman-captech opened 5 years ago

aman-captech commented 5 years ago

I am able to capture NV12 format pictures using Tinker Board with PiCam. I am using gstreamer pipeline with v4l2src plugin to capture images as follows: "gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1640,height=1232, framerate=20/1 ! jpegenc ! multifilesink location=./images/image_%02d.jpg" I have tried using all the formats that are specified using "gst-inspect-1.0 v4l2src" but none of those formats give me an RGB image as output. Please help me out on how to capture an RGB image! Also I am unable to manually specify the exposure time for my Picam while capturing images.Any suggestions on how to do this will also be very helpful??

jamess-huang commented 5 years ago

Hi, aman-captech The RGB image you mean is a image just like the camera preview content ? If so, may I know what branch you are using ? develop or release ?

For manual exposure setting, we can not support this function, we can only support auto exposure on develop branch.