TinkerBoard / debian_kernel

Debian Kernel source for Tinker Board
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Audio Injector Octo S.O.S. #48

Closed fiscalfreddy closed 5 years ago

fiscalfreddy commented 5 years ago

Hello fellow kernel harvesters,

I've just compiled the Debian kernel 2.0.10 after downloading the .zip file from the release branch of the repo. I have tried compiling several times. I'm using an Ubunto 64bit (VirtualBox) computer to Cross-Compile for a Tinker Board S and following these build instructions :


However, after I mount my sd card and boot I'm not seeing the audioinjector-addons.dtbo file show up in the /boot/overlays directory, and the card doesn't seem to work.

Any suggestions? Perhaps I should try a different .config file?



jamess-huang commented 5 years ago

Can you help to try the below instructions ? https://tinkerboarding.co.uk/wiki/index.php/Software#Kernel

fiscalfreddy commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your help! After that compile, the tinkerboard is now recognizing the device. I haven't gotten playback to work yet but this is still promising.

I did have to manually update the boot partition of the sd card to include the audioinjector's .dtbo file in addition to those instructions.

jamess-huang commented 5 years ago

Yes. We just add the overlay in the overlays folder. User needs to include the overlay by adding "intf:dtoverlay=xxx" into the /boot/hw_intf.conf file.