TinkerBoard / debian_kernel

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Audio output start hissing, noise #68

Open DIKIIDM opened 1 year ago

DIKIIDM commented 1 year ago

After some time of continuous working (after 2 days, some time a week), the audio output from jack 3.5 starts hissing, noise (shhhhhhh). Whether it's a youtube video in the browser, or it's my mp3 playlist playing. Only reboot can help

I installed the Tinker Board Debian 10 V3.0.11 image on my Tinker board R2.0. I use it as an audio player through jack 3.5.

Before R2.0 I used a regular Tinker board and did not face this problem.

Has anyone encountered a similar problem, what could be the matter?

DIKIIDM commented 1 year ago

same issue https://tinker-board.asus.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15304-tinker-board-r20-audio-problem-hissing-noise/

Malkijan commented 1 year ago

I tried so many things on alsamixer's settings like increasing buffer_size and period_size and still getting the issue. Sometimes sounds perfect goes on but whenever I restart the device problem occurs in a couple of hours.

Malkijan commented 1 year ago

I have a Tinker Board S, that plays music without any problem but with the same configuration my other device Tinker Board R2.0 plays so badly almost every day, at least once gives white noise (hissing noise as DIKIIDM mentioned) Has anyone found a solution?

pyavitz commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue and there appears to be no rhyme or reason for it. Sometimes it happens right away and other times after 48 hours or so. Unfortunately I can't seem to find anything in the logs or dmesg concerning the problem. Its as if a switch gets thrown and everything that comes out is just white noise static.

Could this be power related in some way?

NOTES: This happens using both this kernel and mainline.

serkansmg commented 1 year ago

same issue https://tinker-board.asus.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15304-tinker-board-r20-audio-problem-hissing-noise/

for those who still suffering from this problem..

asus send us audio firmware and we are testing it.. and i am sharing it with all you guys.. :))

attached file contains the firmware..

and here are the steps came from asus R&D department:

Please follow the steps to check the FW version for reference.

a. Unzip and copy the file to Tinker Board

b. cd ALC4030U-FW-Tool sudo chmod a+x ./rt_UAC_utility sudo ./rt_UAC_utility --status sudo ./rt_UAC_utility --force 0x49F6_ALC4030U_ASUS_Tinker_Board_0x0BDA_V13_20220718.rfw --reset RST_2_ATTACH sudo ./rt_UAC_utility --status --reset RST_2_ATTACH sudo reboot

sudo ./rt_UAC_utility –status => using this command to check the driver FW version


justinasjaronis commented 1 year ago

I did this on Asus Tinker Board S R2.0, and sometimes after first reboot sound card does not appear in /dev/snd. Sometimes it does. But it looks like after some reboots it starts working. Thanks