TinkerGen / Mark-micropython

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ValueError: Invalid value for argument `filters`. Expected a strictly positive value. Received filters=0. #2

Open stnridy opened 10 months ago

stnridy commented 10 months ago

Hey, I try to use theegacy-yolov2 branch

%load_ext tensorboard
#we need imgaug 0.4 for image augmentations to work properly, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62580797/in-colab-doing-image-data-augmentation-with-imgaug-is-not-working-as-intended
!pip uninstall -y imgaug && pip uninstall -y albumentations && pip install imgaug==0.4
!pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir gdown
!git clone -b legacy-yolov2 https://github.com/AIWintermuteAI/aXeleRate.git
import sys
from axelerate import setup_training, setup_inference

and below is my config

config = {
            "type":                 "Detector",
            "architecture":         "MobileNet7_5",
            "input_size":           224,
            "anchors":              [[[0.76120044, 0.57155991], [0.6923348, 0.88535553], [0.47163042, 0.34163313]]],
            "labels":               ["licence"],
            "obj_thresh" :          0.7,
            "iou_thresh" :          0.5,
            "coord_scale" :           1.0,
            "class_scale" :         1.0,
            "object_scale" :          5.0,
            "no_object_scale" :     1.0
        "weights" : {
            "full":                   "",
            "backend":              "imagenet"
        "train" : {
            "actual_epoch":        100,
            "train_image_folder":   "/content/MyDrive/MyDrive/ALPR/im",
            "train_annot_folder":   "/content/MyDrive/MyDrive/ALPR/images",
            "train_times":          1,
            "valid_image_folder":   "/content/MyDrive/MyDrive/ALPR/validation",
            "valid_annot_folder":   "/content/MyDrive/MyDrive/ALPR/validation_annot",
            "valid_times":          1,
            "valid_metric":         "recall",
            "batch_size":           4,
            "learning_rate":        1e-4,
            "saved_folder":         F"/content/MyDrive/MyDrive/ALPR/ww44p3_result",
            "first_trainable_layer": "",
            "augmentation":               True,
            "is_only_detect" :        False
        "converter" : {
            "type":                 ["k210"]

However, I am seeing the following error.

