Tinkerforge / esp32-firmware

Firmwares for ESP32 Brick and ESP32 Ethernet Brick (including firmwares for WARP/WARP2 Charger, WARP Energy Manager)
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charge_limits: _Only if limit is elapsed_ change override drop-down texts and send reset before override #324

Open rtrbt opened 4 months ago

rtrbt commented 4 months ago

The old behaviour probably does not match user expectations: If for example a car has charged for 15 minutes and then was not allowed to charge for 6 minutes, selecting 30 minutes allows charging for additional 9 minutes (30 - 15 - 6).

If a limit is already elapsed, sending a reset before the override changes this to allow additional 30 minutes of charging. We should change the drop-down texts to reflect this: Prepend "additional" before every entry if a limit is elapsed.

Edit: Ignore the above idea. Add a separate drop down for relative changes instead:


Open problem: How to fit this into the API