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Problems generating the world #11

Closed Lucas559-noob closed 1 year ago

Lucas559-noob commented 1 year ago

When I generate the world, I see that I start at night, and also most of trees that should exist on map don't exist, there is a fix for this? Did this on 1.12.2

the only trees that exist are those that are very close to me, around 1, 2 chunks

Speiger commented 1 year ago

Please provide game logs. Because with this info i can't really help you. The game logs should contain your attempt to use it.

Lucas559-noob commented 1 year ago

from a lot of logs, this is the right I think, logs before this had crashes since incompatibility with some mods, and this was the last of day(when I slept) 2022-12-18-6.log

Speiger commented 1 year ago

@Lucas559-noob this log doesn't contain crashes, just you closing the game.