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Area command confusion #33

Closed redlive36 closed 1 year ago

redlive36 commented 1 year ago

Hey there, I must say that your mod has been working wonders for me in a modded environment. However, I have a question: how can I generate, for example, 700 blocks in front of me? I tried the /pregen start gen area command, and it says it's beyond the limit. Perhaps the expansion command could work aswell, but I can't find a way to reliably generate the terrain 600 blocks in front of me in the X coordinate. Here are some photos for clarification aswell. I apologize if I missed anything from the explanation videos, but I was hoping you could clear it up, as I have found no info for the area command. Thank you for your help and for reading this issue. Images: 2023-06-25_18 08 36 2023-06-25_18 09 14 2023-06-25_18 09 18

Meduris commented 1 year ago

First of all, which minecraft version are you using?

Second, all values in the commands are in chunks, not blocks, so you need to divide the numbers by 16. Even then, it doesn't look like you used the correct arguments

redlive36 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply. I'm on 1.19.2. I will now try to do the same command with the chunk conversion to see if it works, thanks.

Meduris commented 1 year ago

for what you are trying to do, the command should be something like this:

/pregen start gen radius gentest SQUARE ~600 ~ 18

you don't need the dimension if you already are in that dimension. and the place where you had the two ~ is where you specify the center of the area that should be generated and after that comes the radius in a single number, not two

redlive36 commented 1 year ago

Appreciate your response. I will try this now, thank you for the information.

Speiger commented 1 year ago

@redlive36 the "Area command" is not what you tried to do: What you tried to do:

What the area command is actually doing:

So lets translate your command: /pregen start gen area TESTING SQUARE 13 143 217 2800 Or to translate it into Blocks: /pregen start gen area TESTING SQUARE 208 2288 3472 44800

So what you tried was basically a insanely big command that would have taken ages to complete. Most likely a day or two.

The area command is basically ment to be specific areas that you know where to start from and end. 99% of the cases the radius command is enough. EVEN IF YOU have it generate existing chunks, chunk pregen is fast enough to figure it out and take not even a second longer then if you would have placed the positions perfectly

Meduris commented 1 year ago

also I noticed a mistake with my radius command. ~600 shifts it by 600 chunks, so it should have rather been something like ~38 to offset it by 608 blocks

redlive36 commented 1 year ago

Okay, thanks to both of you for helping me with this issue. The command Meduris provided was helpful and it generated the terrain I needed. So just in case, let's say I want to generate chunks to a point that is around 800 blocks from my direction, positive in the x axis. After dividing it by 16, the command for that would be /pregen start gen radius gentest SQUARE ~50 ~ 18, right? Again, apologies if I'm wrong, but I would really like to get this sorted out before moving to my survival world.

Meduris commented 1 year ago

After dividing it by 16, the command for that would be /pregen start gen radius gentest SQUARE ~50 ~ 18, right?

sounds about right, yeah what this command generates is a 288 block radius though (or a 576x576 block square), so if you change the offset to 800 blocks, you most likely want to increase the radius too. Special case here is just, that considering it is a radius, if you want a 800x800 square, you'll take 800, divide it by 2 to get the radius and then divide it by 16 to get the radius in chunks (25 in this example)

redlive36 commented 1 year ago

Got it. Thank you so much, and have a great day :).