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World not working after using it (1.19.4) #42

Closed Blackninja04010 closed 3 months ago

Blackninja04010 commented 6 months ago

I got the Chunk Pregenerator-1.19.4-4.3.0 for my Forge 1.19.4-45.2.0 I tried testing the mod by loading a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 100 (I'm not 100% sure if this is what it was, but i'm pretty sure it is) and after I ran the command I saw a widget pop up in the top left corner that showed the RAM and CPU usage (those are what I remember), but after a bit the widget disappeared, i then tried to open a chest but nothing happened, after waiting ~5 hours i thought it might be that i needed to reload my client (just forge with some mods), i loaded back in and the widget appeared again and disappeared again, so i relogged and when i tried loading back in it would stop loading in at 100% (i left it like this for ~9 hours and nothing happened), i can't get the world to load, i don't want to lose the 10-15 hours i spent on it, is there a fix for this or something?

Blackninja04010 commented 6 months ago

It wasn't the CPU stats, it was the progress from the pregen task widget

Speiger commented 6 months ago

Please create a clip of you starting the pregenerator.

I want to see what you do.

Blackninja04010 commented 6 months ago

@Speiger like screen record me using it? Any screen recorders that I've tried take a lot of CPU to use, that may cause problems

Speiger commented 6 months ago

@Blackninja04010 Its not about the CPU usage but its to see the behavior of whats happening so i can see exactly whats happening. Otherwise its hard to help you.

Blackninja04010 commented 6 months ago

@Speiger what screen recorder should I use?

Speiger commented 6 months ago

@Blackninja04010 anything that produces a watchable file. ShareX/OBS/NvidiaReplay or any other that works. These three are just one of the most common ones i have seen.

Speiger commented 3 months ago

@Blackninja04010 is this still an issue?