TinyModularThings / Chunk-Pregenerator-Issue-Tracker

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1.19.2 Crash during bookmark #49

Closed RamuneNeptune closed 4 months ago

RamuneNeptune commented 4 months ago

Hi there server seems to crash eventually after running benchmark or generally any pre-gen that isn't really small, I believe given enough time it crashes

Crash report: https://mclo.gs/wpQYey0

  1. Ran /pregen start benchmark start
  2. Was fine for a couple minutes
  3. Server crashed
Speiger commented 4 months ago

Canery Poi optimization clashes with chunkpregen, due to a memory leak that chunkpregen fixes. Simply turn of in canery the poi optimization or disable canery for a bit.

RamuneNeptune commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the swift response, that appears to have worked. I do have one last question and that is in regards to item drops instantly get tingdeleted, is this something being caused by Chunk Pregenerator?

It was my backpack with magnet upgrade.. oops. All clear here, thank you :)