TinyModularThings / Chunk-Pregenerator-Issue-Tracker

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RAD2 1.16.5 Server Crash #52

Closed duhneller closed 3 months ago

duhneller commented 3 months ago

Hello, I am trying to initiate the following: /pregen start gen radius GenExample SQUARE ~ ~ 100 But after a couple of minutes, my server just crashes, stating that a single tic took 600 seconds? Any help would be appreciated. TIA!


Speiger commented 3 months ago

@duhneller please uninstall lootR during pregen. Its way of replacing chests causes a deadlock likelyhood inside minecraft during pregen. Note: You have to restart from scratch otherwise you will miss a lot of loot chests.

Saying that: lootR can be added after the pregen is done and it will work just fine. The problem is the author doesn't know what he is doing.