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Chunk Pregenerator hanging #55

Closed coolboy2002 closed 2 months ago

coolboy2002 commented 2 months ago

Hello, thank you for making this tool in the first place.

I installed Chunk-Pregenerator-1.12-4.4.2.jar and ran into the problem that after a while it randomly hangs. The only things I can find back in the logs is a server warning about the ticks being behind (delayed) and the console hanging and showing the task. This happens after a few hours. I can however, still stop the server and restart it and it will go on. The generation is 1250 chunks radius. Help me please :D Thank you.

Speiger commented 2 months ago

@coolboy2002 what type of hanging? Maybe a clip of showing what you mean?

Note: This could be due to chunk cascading where a chunk loads another chunk and that chunk loads another chunk. And chunk pregen can't prevent that, and unless your server dies, this is basically a waiting game, and chunkpregen will check these chunks and skip them if they are properly generated.

coolboy2002 commented 2 months ago

I can try uploading a clip tomorrow but it will be a bit hard on ubuntu server 22.04 😅 Basically in the console it constantly generates a new message with how many chunks it has loaded of the total amount of the task, how many hours it has ran etc etc. At some point that will hang.

coolboy2002 commented 2 months ago

Happened again. Had the generator running overnight and 2 hours ago it just stopped and now it doesn't continue on. 17119568041763251879535572070160

coolboy2002 commented 2 months ago

Okay apparently it seems to hang sometimes when it's giving the delay warning of the ticks.

Speiger commented 2 months ago

@coolboy2002 yeah that actually validates my point of it being stuck in chunkcascading. That isn't a bug in chunkpregen but a bug inside minecraft they fixed in 1.13-1.14

But Chunk Pregenerator accounts for these and pauses to not kill the server and makes sure to save frequently so if the server crashes that you won't be stuck forever^^

(This is by the way why you want to pregen your world because since the worldgen is deterministic, think of what would happen if a player loaded said chunk)

coolboy2002 commented 2 months ago

Sorry man, I did not know this. Thank you so much for explaining. So I did restart the server a few times when it "hanged". Is that a problem or is it fine?

Speiger commented 2 months ago

@coolboy2002 it should be fine. Though there is always a chance that this may cause chunks to not generate properly due to it being saved in a weird state. But that should be always only 1 chunk at most.

Chunkpregen always tries to account for that though and makes a algorithmic check if it could have been that way. If you want to be 100% sure that nothing happend. Simply run a pregen after that but instead of using "Fastcheckgen" use "normal gen" instead. (fastcheck is the default if you don't put any in)

I wouldn't use normal gen by default but as a secondary check because it skips chunks very slowly and is more there to find mistakes than anything else.

coolboy2002 commented 2 months ago

Okay, and does Chunk Cascading slow the process down of loading chunks? As it hangs on 23h as of right now and will I really have to do another chunk pregen as I am trying to setup a server and rather hope it could be done quick. Also, is it possible to prerender Galacticraft Planets?