TinyModularThings / Chunk-Pregenerator-Issue-Tracker

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[1.7.10] - Crash on modpack launch with latest version #63

Closed syndicate25 closed 1 month ago

syndicate25 commented 1 month ago

Crashing on load with my custom modpack, Progressive Survival. I'm in progress of updating all the mods and as soon as I updated this one, it won't load anymore. Attached below is a screenshot of the modlist along with a pastebin to the crash report. Crashing on step 2/7 during loading.

Edit: A little testing and it looks like the latest version that works for me is Chunk Pregenerator-V1.7.10-2.5.3. Anything after that crashes, though it's at different phases of loading for each one.


See full crash report here:


Speiger commented 1 month ago

I implemented a fancy icon system for ChunkPregens preview.

False tweaks doesn't like that I use vanillas atlas builder.

Simply change: "TEXTURE_OPTIMIZATIONS" In the configs to false and that will fix it.

syndicate25 commented 1 month ago

Thank you. I'll give that a shot here in a second and update this shortly!

Speiger commented 1 month ago

@syndicate25 its actually a 100% fix. Let me update the issue tracker to contain it.

Speiger commented 1 month ago

Closing. Updated known issues entry to include false tweaks and why it happens and the manual fix within it.

syndicate25 commented 1 month ago

@Speiger Let me know if you want a new issue for this, but it's failing on step 5/7 now.


Speiger commented 1 month ago

@syndicate25 i checked the log and its the exact same issue because the config wasn't set to false

syndicate25 commented 1 month ago

I changed the value to false in falsetweaks.cfg. Is there another config I have to change? falsetweaks.txt

Speiger commented 1 month ago

@syndicate25 then you need to disable falsetweaks during pregen and then once finished swap them back in. Luckily that isn't a huge problem ^^"

Outside of writing my own texture stitcher (which i kinda don't want to do) there is nothing i can do... And any other mod that uses a stitcher will break that one too.

syndicate25 commented 1 month ago

Okay.. And how do I do what you're suggesting?

Speiger commented 1 month ago


syndicate25 commented 1 month ago

I see. So if I want this in my modpack, it sounds like I'd have to stick with version 2.5.3 since I don't think it's reasonable to assume everyone who downloads the pack is going to understand how to do that or why they have to..

It looks like a workaround for a specific world?

Speiger commented 1 month ago

yeah maybe, though any bugs found there can't be validated there anymore since i fixed a ton of them in the mega patch.


Speiger commented 1 month ago

@syndicate25 according to the false tweaks dev in version "3.0.0 Beta 4" it should be fixed. Would you try it please?

syndicate25 commented 1 month ago

I tried this today, with CPG 4.4.5 and FT 3.0.0-beta0004. I am still experiencing crashes with "TEXTURE_OPTIMIZATIONS" set to either true or false. It will crash at different loading phases depending on what value is saved in the config.

Here's a report for the latest crash with TO set to "false."


Speiger commented 1 month ago

@FalsePattern Looks like this is still an issue (moving it here for ease of tracking)

FalsePattern commented 1 month ago

Delete the AnimFix jar, it's been merged into FalseTweaks (it's also mentioned in the readme, but it's easy to miss i guess...). After that, re-enable TEXTURE_OPTIMIZATIONS.

Speiger commented 1 month ago

@FalsePattern thank you for your help! @syndicate25 ping

Once confirmed I will update the known issues section

syndicate25 commented 1 month ago

Delete the AnimFix jar, it's been merged into FalseTweaks (it's also mentioned in the readme, but it's easy to miss i guess...). After that, re-enable TEXTURE_OPTIMIZATIONS.

I've been out of the MC game for a bit and have recently decided to start updating my pack. I was keeping up on this stuff for a while, but I'm sure there's more I've missed since and appreciate your help as well as @Speiger on this.

I removed animfix and reset the TEXTURE_OPTIMIZATIONS back to "true."

I'm happy to report that resolved my problem and I can load the pack now.

Thanks again guys!