TinyModularThings / Chunk-Pregenerator-Issue-Tracker

Issue Tracker & Wiki For Chunk Pregenerator
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1.12.2 not running #67

Closed Sebz102030 closed 1 week ago

Sebz102030 commented 1 month ago

after adding Phosphor mod started throwing messege below obraz_2024-05-26_160237281

modlist image image

Speiger commented 1 month ago

@Sebz102030 that is due to the chunks being generated. Or is this a freshly created world?

Sebz102030 commented 1 month ago

Chunk earlyer bee generated but after adding mod meshoned There is only comment about ending the process of generating chunks

Sebz102030 commented 1 month ago

Another thing is that it is on Arm on raspberry pi 4

Speiger commented 1 month ago

@Sebz102030 the Prepare process is basically scanning if chunks have been generated. And if that is true it will remove it of the queue. So the pregenerator deemed all chunks to be pregenerated.

Sebz102030 commented 1 month ago

So you are seing that this chunk are generated after starting server right?

Meduris commented 1 month ago

the generated chunks are saved to the savefile, same as when a player explores and chunks are generated where the player goes.

So if you rerun the same pregen command again and again, it won't magically generate new chunks, as the ones you tell it to generate are already there

Sebz102030 commented 1 month ago

So it is how it supoutu be