TinyModularThings / IC2Classic

IC2Classic Bugtracker
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[IC2C]The rocket miner will get stuck in lily pad #1160

Closed IR8104 closed 4 months ago

IR8104 commented 6 months ago

When the rocket miner flies to the next location, if there is a lily pad at the drop location, then the miner will get stuck in the lily pad and cannot be turned into a machine.

Geekerandy commented 6 months ago

Haven’t reproduced this yet, but to get around this, either destroy the lilypad or wrench the Rocket Miner entity itself.

IR8104 commented 6 months ago

Haven’t reproduced this yet, but to get around this, either destroy the lilypad or wrench the Rocket Miner entity itself.

Hope the miner doesn't fly into the Swamp.

Speiger commented 6 months ago

@IR8104 the likelyhood that the miner lands on a lilipad is astonomically low ^^" but yeah i can look at it

Geekerandy commented 6 months ago

In the meantime, I did reproduce the glitch for redundancy. Forge 1.19.2, version 43.3.8 IC2 Classic version https://youtu.be/qZXygmZ9PeI

Kellien commented 5 months ago

у меня ракетный шахтер залезает в воду, и стоит пока не потратит всю энергию, потом возвращается на базу, его заряжают и он повторяет это снова... проблема в том, что базу окружает огромный океан с небольшими островами, при исследованиях примерно 2000 блоков вокруг базы есть только небольшие острова, так что если он застрянет в воде из-за бага, то для меня это критично

Speiger commented 5 months ago

@Kellien i can't read that

il-an commented 4 months ago

he said the rocket miner flies into water and stands there until all energy depleted, then returns to the base, is recharged, and does all of that again.