TinyTapeout / siliwiz

Silicon Layout Wizard
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feature request - more drawing stuff #4

Open mattvenn opened 1 year ago

mattvenn commented 1 year ago
urish commented 1 year ago

This one actually has several feature in one. Can you please create one issue per feature?

We also need a way of prioritizing these, as they all take a fair amount of time to create. What's strictly necessary for the MVP? What would be a major UX improvement, but we can live without for the MVP? What's just nice to have?

mattvenn commented 1 year ago

yeah, don't need any of these now, just wanted to capture them

psychogenic commented 1 year ago

I second the motion on this but feel that "move"/dragging rectangles around might actually be part of the "M" in MVP. It's pretty hard to get the rectangles started in just the right place, at least with my level of dexterity.

psychogenic commented 1 year ago

Another reason to have move is so I can select a rectangle that's completely covered by other layers. As it now stands, I'd have to delete everything above, but if I could move things out of the way, I could at least get access (though another way to do this would be to allow selections from the cross-section view).

mattvenn commented 1 year ago

it's usually unncessary to get things in 'just the right place' things can be a bit messy and still work fine

mattvenn commented 1 year ago

and yes +1 for being able to select things in the x-section view