TinyTapeout / vga-playground

Playground for VGA projects on Tiny Tapeout
GNU General Public License v3.0
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look into audio simulation #8

Open mattvenn opened 1 month ago

mattvenn commented 1 month ago

that would give an output similar to what you'd get with Mike's pmod


urish commented 2 weeks ago

Specs: PWM output on uio[7] Example project: https://github.com/MichaelBell/tt08-pwm-example/blob/main/src/sine.v (but see the note below)

@MichaelBell since the example above is linked from the competition, and anyone who also uses the VGA Pmod to use uio instead of uo for the audio Pmod, would you consider changing the example to output the audio on uio[7] instead of uo_out[7]?

MichaelBell commented 2 weeks ago

Yes that makes sense, I've pushed the change