TioRuben / TTGO-T-Wristband

First steps with TTGO T-Wristband
MIT License
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Add in IMU_SKIP option. Add in IP address to OTA waiting message #7

Closed johnheenan closed 4 years ago

johnheenan commented 4 years ago

Add in IMU_SKIP option to prevent wake up by IMU and to lower IMU power usage.

Enabling IMU_SKIP will lower power usage as discussed in https://github.com/TioRuben/TTGO-T-Wristband/issues/5#issue-601598702.

The code has no effect unless comment enabler is removed in platformio.ini:

;  -DIMU_SKIP         # remove comment to keep IMU (accelerometer, gyrometer and magnetometer) shut down
johnheenan commented 4 years ago

Second commit adds in IP address to "Waiting for OTA" message. This is the IP address that needs to be specified in upload_port of platformio.ini.

Added five overloaded msgXxx functions in wristband-tft.cpp to allow two line messages to be written to tft.