TioRuben / TTGO-T-Wristband

First steps with TTGO T-Wristband
MIT License
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Branch available with button press to take IMU into and out of deep sleep #8

Closed johnheenan closed 4 years ago

johnheenan commented 4 years ago

There is a branch available which enables a button press to put the IMU (accelerometer etc) into deep sleep and lower power usage.

When off the watch will not wake up by moving it. There is a discussion of this issue at https://github.com/TioRuben/TTGO-T-Wristband/issues/5#issue-601598702.

The IMU is toggled on or off by a long press on the battery screen, which used to be used activate OTA. The battery screen also lets you know if the IMU is on or off. The OTA screen can still be used to enable OTA download. The IMU on/off setting is recalled from NVS after wakeup.

When the IMU is turned off two screens are skipped.

The branch is further progress to allow a UTC offset and timezones to be set by button by allowing IMU_SKIP and timezone settings to be set to and recalled from NVS.

The platformio.ino setting -DIMU_SKIP now controls what the initial setting of the IMU is after firmware upload. IMU_SKIP set means leave IMU off by putting into a deep sleep after firmware upload. To force all settings to be reinitialised from firmware settings instead of NVS settings each time with a wake up use -DEEPROM_REINIT. For now this is only relevant to the IMU_SKIP firmware setting.

I am happy to make a PR from the branch, which can be downloaded by:

git clone https://github.com/johnheenan/TTGO-T-Wristband.git
cd TTGO-T-Wristband
git checkout -b origin/poweropts 

Discussions are welcome

John Heenan

johnheenan commented 4 years ago

I have tagged a branch at https://github.com/johnheenan/TTGO-T-Wristband/tree/v0.1-alpha which adds menu for UTC Offsets and STD Regions as well as other improvements. There is no point in keeping this issue open any longer.