Tischel / TPie

FFXIV Dalamud plugin for ring-shaped hotbars
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
34 stars 16 forks source link

Does not work at all any more #49

Closed amaraame closed 1 year ago

amaraame commented 1 year ago

few days ago tpie just stopped working for me. I don't seem to have an issue with any other plugin and there are no updates to run. anyone else experiencing this?

Tischel commented 1 year ago

Not that I know of.

Please upload your dalamud log found in %AppData%\XIVLauncher\dalamud.log. If you don't want to upload it here, you can DM in discord (Tischel#5062).

Also please zip and upload your TPie settings folder found in %AppData%\XIVLauncher\pluginConfigs\TPie.

amaraame commented 1 year ago

image tpie settings.zip

I'm sorry but I don't see a dalamud log file but I've attached my settings

Tischel commented 1 year ago

It's the one named "dalamud" (you just cant see the extension).

amaraame commented 1 year ago

dalamud.log ah, ok

Tischel commented 1 year ago

Have you tried re-installing TPie? It looks like it's failing to load the font that it comes with. Did you try to change that font at some point?

amaraame commented 1 year ago

no font changes. I didn't even know that was an option. I just tried reinstalling it and now it opens at least. but all my rings are lost. thank you for the help.

Tischel commented 1 year ago

To be clear, changing fonts is not an option. TPie comes with a custom font that you can choose to use. Regarding your rings, the settings you sent me already had no rings; so you somehow lost them before. Mostly because something went wrong and TPie corrupted your data.

I don't really know how this happened to be honest. Might be a good idea to backup your rings export in case this happens again.

amaraame commented 1 year ago

I see. thank you, I'll try doing that. they needed cleaning up anyway so I guess I have some motivation now.