Titor8115 / mandown

man-page inspired Markdown viewer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Stdin piping #34

Closed tpham3783 closed 2 years ago

tpham3783 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am using ubuntu 20.04, and my terminal is now set to xterm-256color

When I render a mardown document, rather than seeing bullet points, I am seeing "M-BM-7". Can you tell me what's going on?

Also, is it possible for render from stdin rather than from a file?

thank you.


Titor8115 commented 3 years ago

I believe it has something to do with your Locale setting or Emulator support. Check if your terminal emulator supports Unicode/widchar (like "•", or emoji). If this is not the problem, checkout some guide to setup your terminal' Locale to support Unicode/widchar.

Right now the program doesn't support direct stdin. But I did tweak it to work before (didn't test for very very long stdin). But I will consider adding that as optional feature. May I ask what kind of purpose do you have in mind directly using stdin?

tpham3783 commented 3 years ago

Thank you.

My terminal is already setup to use utf-8 with an exception of defining global local in the global envvar: LC_ALL. So this command helped fix the issue: export LC_ALL="$LC_NAME"

Alot of my notes are stored in markdown format in the cloud; to view them, I simply pipe them to "python pygments module" directly from stdin of Curl. Pygments markdown is not bad, but I wish it could be done better; that's why I am experimenting with Mandown.


Titor8115 commented 2 years ago

I just pushed a newer version to support basic piping. Using it should be as simple as curl yournote.md | mdn

Let me know if any issue occur.