Closed xporium closed 2 years ago
The cron program of linux will run your script every time but django-cron only will run your job if its passed 2, i think that configure your command in linux cron is enough. Do you are using linux? Or, why you cannot use cron?
@xporium is using Windows 10 (from issue title #145). I just finished moving and tomorrow will update the other issue with how I have the task scheduler set up and give details about it. Maybe we can add it to the documentation for setting this up on Windows.
from django_cron import CronJobBase, Schedule
class MyCronJob(CronJobBase): RUN_EVERY_MINS = 2 schedule = Schedule(run_every_mins=RUN_EVERY_MINS) code = 'my_app.my_cron_job' # a unique code
python runcrons "my_app.cron.MyCronJob"
so my prob is every time i have to run above command?
is there any way print test..... every 2 minute
python runserver than i can see print test...... every 2 minutes
so how to do this?