Tivix / django-cron

Write cron business logic as a Python class and let this app do the rest! It enables Django projects to schedule cron tasks, tracks their success / failures, manages contention (via a cache) etc. Basically takes care of all the boring work for you :-)
MIT License
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Pending migrations #237

Open simon-spier0 opened 1 year ago

simon-spier0 commented 1 year ago


when I create my project migrations in localhost and then I develop the application to production and run the migrations, it raises error about missing "0004_alter_cronjoblock_id_alter_cronjoblog_id.py".

To simulate the bug:

  1. Donwload the zip test_cron.zip

  2. Setup database in test.py

  3. Install environment with pipenv install

  4. Switch to the environment with pipenv shell

  5. Create migrations with manage.py makemigrations

  6. Go to the django_cron in environment folder like C:\Users\<your_username>\.virtualenvs\test_cron-f760Ccpm\Lib\site-packages\django_cron\migrations and you can see the new created missing migration file "0004_alter_cronjoblock_id_alter_cronjoblog_id.py"

Can you please fix the migrations in the next version 0.6.1?