TixiaoShan / LIO-SAM

LIO-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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imu_preintegration and Map_optimization dies when using GTSAM 4.0.2 #270

Closed vicente879 closed 3 years ago

vicente879 commented 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for your work and resources!

I have been trying to make this package work with a gazebo Simulation using the Velodyne plugin and also with the real sensor and a 9DOF IMU.

I am using Ros Melodic i Ubuntu 18.04. I have followed the README steps for downloading and building the package. I have installed GSTAM 4.0.2 as required in the README.

After everything is installed I get this error message even before I start playing my rosbag: the lio_sam_imuPreintegration and lio_sam_mapOptmization processes keep dying and restarting as seen in the error bellow my issue is with an Undefined Symbol, I have not seen this error in any of the other issues raised.

process[lio_sam_imuPreintegration-2]: started with pid [13505] /home/main/catkin_ws/devel/lib/lio_sam/lio_sam_imuPreintegration: symbol lookup error: /home/main/catkin_ws/devel/lib/lio_sam/lio_sam_imuPreintegration: undefined symbol: _ZNK5gtsam16NoiseModelFactor5printERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERKSt8functionIFS6_mEE process[lio_sam_imageProjection-3]: started with pid [13506] process[lio_sam_featureExtraction-4]: started with pid [13507] process[lio_sam_mapOptmization-5]: started with pid [13513] process[lio_sam_rviz-6]: started with pid [13514] [lio_sam_imuPreintegration-2] process has died [pid 13505, exit code 127, cmd /home/main/catkin_ws/devel/lib/lio_sam/lio_sam_imuPreintegration __name:=lio_sam_imuPreintegration __log:=/home/main/.ros/log/f3181d58-ee02-11eb-8a21-841b77053d6d/lio_sam_imuPreintegration-2.log]. log file: /home/main/.ros/log/f3181d58-ee02-11eb-8a21-841b77053d6d/lio_sam_imuPreintegration-2*.log [lio_sam_imuPreintegration-2] restarting process [ INFO] [1627298201.027332889]: ----> Image Projection Started. process[lio_sam_imuPreintegration-2]: started with pid [13518] /home/main/catkin_ws/devel/lib/lio_sam/lio_sam_imuPreintegration: symbol lookup error: /home/main/catkin_ws/devel/lib/lio_sam/lio_sam_imuPreintegration: undefined symbol: _ZNK5gtsam16NoiseModelFactor5printERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERKSt8functionIFS6_mEE /home/main/catkin_ws/devel/lib/lio_sam/lio_sam_mapOptmization: symbol lookup error: /home/main/catkin_ws/devel/lib/lio_sam/lio_sam_mapOptmization: undefined symbol: _ZNK5gtsam16NoiseModelFactor5printERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERKSt8functionIFS6_mEE [ INFO] [1627298201.103953467]: ----> Feature Extraction Started. [lio_sam_imuPreintegration-2] process has died [pid 13518, exit code 127, cmd /home/main/catkin_ws/devel/lib/lio_sam/lio_sam_imuPreintegration __name:=lio_sam_imuPreintegration __log:=/home/main/.ros/log/f3181d58-ee02-11eb-8a21-841b77053d6d/lio_sam_imuPreintegration-2.log]. log file: /home/main/.ros/log/f3181d58-ee02-11eb-8a21-841b77053d6d/lio_sam_imuPreintegration-2*.log [lio_sam_mapOptmization-5] process has died [pid 13513, exit code 127, cmd /home/main/catkin_ws/devel/lib/lio_sam/lio_sam_mapOptmization __name:=lio_sam_mapOptmization __log:=/home/main/.ros/log/f3181d58-ee02-11eb-8a21-841b77053d6d/lio_sam_mapOptmization-5.log]. log file: /home/main/.ros/log/f3181d58-ee02-11eb-8a21-841b77053d6d/lio_sam_mapOptmization-5*.log [lio_sam_imuPreintegration-2] restarting process process[lio_sam_imuPreintegration-2]: started with pid [13534] [lio_sam_mapOptmization-5] restarting

So I tried to reinstall GTSAM 4.0.2 and I noticed that when GTSAM is not installed or when I install GTSAM 4.1.0 from Ubuntu PPA the Imu-Preintegration issue is resolved. Only the map-optimization issue remains (after playing the rosbag).

process[lio_sam_mapOptmization-5]: started with pid [5455] [ INFO] [1627300996.909434086]: ----> Map Optimization Started. [lio_sam_mapOptmization-5] process has died [pid 5455, exit code -11, cmd /home/main/catkin_ws/devel/lib/lio_sam/lio_sam_mapOptmization __name:=lio_sam_mapOptmization __log:=/home/main/.ros/log/5e2cb972-ee09-11eb-8a21-841b77053d6d/lio_sam_mapOptmization-5.log]. log file: /home/main/.ros/log/5e2cb972-ee09-11eb-8a21-841b77053d6d/lio_sam_mapOptmization-5*.log [lio_sam_mapOptmization-5] restarting process process[lio_sam_mapOptmization-5]: started with pid [5464] [ INFO] [1627300997.410619265]: ----> Map Optimization Started.

From other issues in this repo I can see that the MapOptimization issue is because GTSAM 4.0.2 is not properly installed. Therefore this might be that GTSAM 4.0.2 is affecting the IMU pre-integration. In the error message just above you can see the output when no GTSAM or GTSAM4.1.0 is installed.

I'd appreciate if anyone could help me shed some light on this issue, specially in the undefined symbol part. Thank you

vicente879 commented 3 years ago

I have solved this issue. I realized that I had used catkin build instead of catkin_make to install the package. I have passed the package to a catkin_make workspace and this issue is solved.

mikolodz commented 5 months ago

I have solved this issue. I realized that I had used catkin build instead of catkin_make to install the package. I have passed the package to a catkin_make workspace and this issue is solved.

Hello, sorry to dig this out after almost 3 years, but what did you exactly mean by "I have passed the package to a catkin_make workspace and this issue is solved."? I'm asking because I face the very same problem with Isaac Sim. In my case, I built and installed the gtsam-4.0.2 and I'm building my lio-sam project in the catkin workspace (catkin_ws/src/ folder) using catkin_make. Still facing this issue.

Maybe you could help me out? Thanks!