TkinterEP / python-tkextrafont

C-extension for Tcl to allow loading custom font files into Tcl/Tk applications, packaged for Python's Tkinter
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issue when the folder of tkextrafont is installed in a path where there is a space in it #9

Open S3idOtaku opened 1 year ago

S3idOtaku commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm building a ttkbootstrap app in windows, there is an issue when the tkextrafont is loaded with a path that has spaces on it, for example:

I have this folder on my desktop with a venv environment image

Knowing that my app works fine like that, but when I add a space in the folder and run the app this error shows: image image

I have encountered the issue because I was giving my app to someone to test as an .exe file with pyinstaller and cx_freeze, the result would be the same for other systems, if the app is in a folder with spaces, same error will show, plus if the username of the machine has a space in it, the app will not work at all since the path will always have a space in it because of the username.

is this issue related to python? and is there a fix for that?