A good way to practice the concepts of creating full-stack web applications is to duplicate an existing site. For this project, you will be creating a copy of a site that you know very well, StackOverflow.
Create a full-stack web app, from the database to the API, to the styled and responsive frontend.
Create an anonymous question and answer site that allows users to up-vote and down-vote questions and answers.
Here are the user stories for this application:
[ ] As a user I should be able to view and search previously asked questions.
[ ] As a user I should be able to view a specific question and all of its answers.
[ ] As a user I should be able to anonymously post a question.
[ ] As a user I should be able to answer an existing question.
[ ] As a user I should be able to upvote or downvote a question.
[ ] As a user I should be able to upvote or downvote an answer.
Day 1
Explorer Mode
You have a choice to create a custom design or to start with existing HTML and CSS we provide.
[ ] If you are going to create a custom design:
[ ] Create wireframes for your app.
[ ] Create an ERD for the core functionality.
[ ] Generate your dotnet new project.
[ ] If you are going to create a custom design:
[ ] Create the static HTML and CSS for all the pages the app will need.
[ ] If you are going to use our starter files:
[ ] Update the design or layout to fit your needs. Practice some HTML and CSS.
[ ] Create React components for each page
[ ] Setup React Router to render these, but still just static representations
Day 2
[ ] Generate your database migrations based on your ERD.
[ ] Insert sample questions, and corresponding answers into your database.
[ ] Create the API for generating the list of questions to show on the home page.
[ ] Create the API for posting a new question.
Day 3
[ ] Create the API for fetching a single question along with its answers.
A good way to practice the concepts of creating full-stack web applications is to duplicate an existing site. For this project, you will be creating a copy of a site that you know very well, StackOverflow.
Create an anonymous question and answer site that allows users to up-vote and down-vote questions and answers.
Here are the user stories for this application:
Day 1
Explorer Mode
You have a choice to create a custom design or to start with existing HTML and CSS we provide.
dotnet new
project.Day 2
Day 3