ToFuProject / tofu

Project for an open-source python library for synthetic diagnostics and tomography for Fusion devices
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Cylindrical crystal + tuto on CrystalBragg #656

Open Didou09 opened 2 years ago

Didou09 commented 2 years ago


Main routines to update:

These are called at instanciation.

There are other methods, but these are the main ones (we'll see later if we add some more). There are quite a few, but I think that if the lower-level ones are correctly handled, most of the upper-level ones will work automatically, so actually I don't think there is so much work.

You will find methods about rocking curve and fitting, no need to look at these for the moment (the ones about rocking curves are within the scope of issue #654.


Current use of the CrystalBragg class:

A CrystalBragg instance is defined based on 3 dictionaries:

All positions / unit vectors in tofu are always defined in (X, Y, Z) cartesian coordinates taken from the absolute frame of the tokamak (where, at a toroidal angle of phi = 0, the unit vector of X equals the unit vector of R).

Some of the quantities in these dictionaries do not need to be provided by the user and are instead automatically computed from others (ex: unit vectors of the lattice orientation are computed for the values of miscut angles alpha and beta, which are 0 by default).

In addition to the 3 disctionnary, the current version of tofu asks for an Exp (name of the tokamak, in upper case), Diag (name fo the diagnostic) and a Name (name of that particular crystal, in case your diagnostic has several crystals). This may evolve in the future.

Direct copy-pasting into an ipython console should work for all the snippets below, provided you don't include the In [1]:.

# import tofu
In [1]: import tofu as tf

The crystal is oriented in 3d using a direct orthonormal base (nout, e1, e2) at its summit

# Defining the direct orthonormal base
In [2]: nout = np.r_[-0.39925082, -0.91684071, -0.0013777 ]
In [3]: e1 = np.r_[ -nout[1], nout[0], 0]
In [4]: e2 = np.cross(nout, e1)

Typically one of the unit vectors is horizontal (here e1).

# Defining dgeom
In [5]: dgeom = {
    ...:     'Type': 'sph',             # vs 'cyl', 'flat'
    ...:     'Typeoutline': 'rect',     # vs 'circ'
    ...:     # summit = center of the crystal (the keyword 'center' is reserved for another use)
    ...:     'summit': np.r_[4.6497750e-01, -8.8277925e+00,  3.5125000e-03],   # X, Y, Z
    ...:     # center = center of curvature, the center of the sphere for a spherical crystal
    ...:     'center': np.r_[1.560921  , -6.31106476,  0.00729429],    # X, Y, Z
    ...:     # extenthalf: half-width of the crystal, in both directions
    ...:     'extenthalf': [0.01457195, 0.01821494],       # rad in a curved direction, m in a linear direction
    ...:     # 'surface' will be computed
    ...:     # 'nout': normalized unit vector normal to the crystal's surface at its summit, pointing outwards (away from the sphere / cylinder center)
    ...:     'nout': nout,
    ...:     # 'nin' = -nout will be computed ('nin' is pointing inwards, towards the center of the sphere / cylinder)
    ...:     # 'e1': normalized unit vector, tangent to the crystal's surface at its summit, perpendicular to 'nin'
    ...:     'e1': e1,
    ...:     # 'e2': normalized unit vector, forming a direct orthonormal basis (nout, e1, e2)
    ...:     'e2': e2,
    ...:     'rcurve': 2.745,     # radius of curvature
    ...:     'move': None, # optional, in case your crystal can move and that movement can be parameterized by a single variable, name of the function to call
    ...: }
# Defining dmat
In [6]: dmat = {
    ...:     'formula': 'Quartz',
    ...:     'density': 2.6576,
    ...:     'symmetry': 'hexagonal',
    ...:     # 3 basis lengths of the hexagonal mesh
    ...:     'lengths': [4.9079e-10, 4.9079e-10, 5.3991e-10],
    ...:     # 3 basis angles of the hexagonal mesh
    ...:     'angles': [1.57079633, 1.57079633, 2.0943951],
    ...:     # Miller indices of the cut
    ...:     'cut': [1,1,0],
    ...:     'd': 2.4539499999999996e-10, # interplanar distance, is computed
    ...:     'alpha': 0., # miscut angle
    ...:     'beta': 0., # miscut orientation
    ...:     # 'nin', 'e1', 'e2' are computed from alpha and beta
    ...: }
# Defining dbragg
In [7]: dbragg = {
    ...:     'rockingcurve': {
    ...:         'dangle': None,   # 1d array of angles delta (rad) around the bragg angle
    ...:         'value': None,    # 1d array of reflected intensity, same shape as dangle
    ...:         'source': None,   # str, indicating where the rtabulated rocking curve was taken from
    ...:         'lamb': None,     # float (m) the wavelength for which the rocking curve was computed
    ...:         'type': None,     # str (ex: 'tabulated-1d', indicating the type of rocking curve
    ...:         },
    ...:     'lambref': 3.96e-10,  # wavelength of reference (i.e.: the default wavelength used for ray-tracing when the wavelength is not specified by the user
    ...:     # 'braggref'  bragg angle of reference, computed from 'lambref'
    ...: }

Instanciation and use:

In [8]: cryst = tf.geom.CrystalBragg(dgeom=dgeom, dmat=dmat, dbragg=dbragg, Exp='WEST', Diag='XICS', Name='ArXVII')

# just typing the variable pretty-prints a summary of the crystal's characterisctics
In [9]: cryst
formula  symmetry   cut      density  d (A)  bragg(     3.96 A) (deg)  Type  outline  surface (cm²)  rcurve  rocking curve
-------  ---------  -------  -------  -----  ------------------------  ----  -------  -------------  ------  -------------
Quartz   hexagonal  [1 1 0]  2.6576   2.454  53.79050296650186         sph   rect      80.0           2.745  None         

half-extent    summit               center               nout                    e1                      alpha  beta  color               
-------------  -------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  -----  ----  --------------------
[0.015 0.018]  [ 0.46 -8.83  0.  ]  [ 1.56 -6.31  0.01]  [-0.399 -0.917 -0.001]  [ 0.917 -0.399  0.   ]  0.0    0.0   (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

Plotting: the plotting method (plot()) provides a static figure with:

This method will have to be adapted for cylindrical crystal because by default it plots a rowland circle. It returns a dict of axes, and may raise some harmless warnings.

In [10]: dax = cryst.plot()


Optionally, it can include the plot of a detector (defined using a dict with center position cent, unit vectors (nout, ei, ej) and 2d outline as (2, npts) array), I recommend you save it as .npz and load it when needed (in a near-future a specific class will be created).

Optionnaly you can also add ray-tracing from pts in the plasma at chosen wavelength.

# build pts in the plasma along a line taken from the crystal summit at 3 different distances form it:
In [11]: pts0, vect = cryst.get_rays_from_cryst(phi=np.pi, returnas='(pts, vect)')

In [12]: pts = pts0 + np.r_[1.5, 3, 7]*vect[:, 0:1, 0]

# load a predefined detector
In [13]: det = dict(np.load('tofu_west/SpectroX2D/Inputs/det37_CTVD_incC4_New.npz', allow_pickle=True))

# plot for 2 wavelengths
In [14]: dax = cryst.plot(pts=pts, det=det, lamb=np.r_[3.95e-10, 3.96e-10, 3.97e-10])


The ray-tracing is computed for the grid {all pts} x {all lamb}. Coloring is done:

cjperks7 commented 2 years ago

Hey Didier, wanted to flag this error I get when I run essentially this same code you provided, but edit dgeom to dgeom{'Type' : 'flat'}. Seems to be an issue with sample_outline_plot() having an if statement with instructions only for the spherical crystal. In general, I get the sense from reading the source code that all the plotting tools are optimized for the spherical crystal. Isn't surprising.

I wanted to start with a flat crystal because I expected it to be so simple everything already worked. If you're aware of a workaround then feel to let me know. I'd have to deal with the same plotting upgrades for the cylindrical crystal and would like to validate my math in the limit of the crystal becoming flat, so not an inconvenience if you'd just recommend getting the plotting for both to work

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Didou09 commented 2 years ago

No problem, will try to handle this tomorrow morning

cjperks7 commented 2 years ago

@Didou09 I'm going to make some changes in the ray-tracing calculations to handle flat and cylindrical crystal reflections. This will be focusing on functions such as get_local_noute1e2(), get_rays_from_cryst(), _get_rays_from_cryst(), and calc_raytracing_from_lambpts(). I won't change much that's already there for the spherical crystal. Just encompass what's there with an if statement based on the geometry.

I will need to change how the code handles points on the crystal surface as it's hardcoded to be in terms of two rotational distances (dtheta, psi) from the summit, so native to spherical. The cylindrical crystal will do something similar, but in terms of a rotational and translational distance (will define the cylinder axis to be along e1) while the flat will be in terms of two translational variables (along e1, e2). Since these variables are often passed within many functions, I think it might be easiest to group these variables into a single dictionary to be passed around with the variables contained returning to their original usage within the relevant geometry.