ToastWallet / core

This repo contains the core code for Toast Wallet. It is built for iOS, Android and browser directly from this repository. PC builds are built from the browser version using Electron.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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recovery phrase rejected #42

Closed crabbit49 closed 4 years ago

crabbit49 commented 5 years ago

I have restored my wallet using my backup and recovery phrase, now every time I try to use my recovery phrase it is rejected as the wrong set of words, I have forgotten my passphrase and want to change it

crabbit49 commented 5 years ago

There are numerous people who are having the same problem

crabbit49 commented 5 years ago

Does anybody ever take any notice of the ordinary man in the street's problems ?

crabbit49 commented 5 years ago

Apparently not

RichardAH commented 4 years ago

You are the only person I know of that has this problem and I believe it has to do with a possible bug in a system library of the specific phone you used to create your account. As I have advised you previously: please obtain another phone of this model and attempt to restore on that.

crabbit49 commented 4 years ago

Why do you close every post I make complaining about toast wallet misfunction ? I have tried another s7 and I still get the same result, it rejects my memorable words, as I have said before, I am not the only person with this problem

crabbit49 commented 4 years ago

"quote by Richard" You are the only person I know of that has this problem "unquote" That is a complete and utter lie, I think you need to refresh your memory by reading past posts on your Discord group page

RichardAH commented 4 years ago

The code is open source it’s right there. If you can find the bug please fix it and submit a pull request. At this stage I don’t believe there is a bug, I believe you simply did not record your recovery phrase correctly. Until you can identify code that is causing the alleged problem you are spamming. Please stop.

And by my comment I meant that you are the only person I know of who is adamant that they know their recovery phrase and there is 0 chance it is wrong but somehow also does not know their passphrase.

crabbit49 commented 4 years ago

You are the app developer, not me, if i knew how to read code I would look for the bug, but as I don't know how to, I tend to trust people like yourself to investigate and rectify the problem,... Before you tell me to ask a friend who is code literate, I don't know anyone .... Please explain to me how I managed to reinstall my wallet on a new device by using the backup and memorable phrase, but when I try to change said phrase it is rejected

RichardAH commented 4 years ago

You don’t need your recovery phrase to restore a backup. I’ve explained this to you before. The backup contains your encrypted keys. The keys are not decrypted during restore, only when you send.