ToastWallet / core

This repo contains the core code for Toast Wallet. It is built for iOS, Android and browser directly from this repository. PC builds are built from the browser version using Electron.
GNU General Public License v2.0
210 stars 80 forks source link

Feature request - Allow restore of Ripple wallet using HEX private key from wallet apps using BIP44. #51

Closed jonathanq9 closed 1 year ago

jonathanq9 commented 4 years ago

Can you add support for restoring Ripple wallet using HEX private key from wallet apps using BIP44?

From app Ripple account is exported as private key, for example "f3ff9817dacfe1ae2522894f33696a7e26ffb1e2892b6bfe72434a0000000000" (not actual private key)

The ToastWallet is expecting the Ripple secret key, for example "snoPBrXtMeMyMHUVTgb0000000000"

I used the offline version of this website with my 12-word recovery seed for testing.

BIP32 Derivation Path for XLM = m/44'/144'/0'/0

RichardAH commented 4 years ago

Did you want to try fork and modify it for this specific usecase?

jonathanq9 commented 1 year ago

No longer need this, closing.