TobiZog / cinnamon-dynamic-wallpaper

Cinnamon extension for dynamic desktop backgrounds based on time and location
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Authentication is needed to run /usr/bin/rm as the super user #22

Open nickk-acc opened 3 days ago

nickk-acc commented 3 days ago

Something went wrong after the latest update from cinnamon. They updated something about permissions for extensions this morning and after the update the wallpaper was reset. When I try to reenable it, although it works and the wallpaper appears as it should, a window for super user authentication appears. I am attaching a print screen.

Even if I close it it reappears after some time and whenever I logout and login again. Screenshot from 2024-07-01 15-49-40

TobiZog commented 3 days ago

Which Cinnamon-Version do you use?

Quick workaround to avoid the Password message: Disable the setting "Set the background image as Login Screen background" in the preferences.

nickk-acc commented 3 days ago

The workaround worked for now. I had guessed that it had something to do with the login screen but I had already set it to inactive and the window continued to pop up. I removed the extension, redownloaded and enabled it, ignored the pop up and went ahead and enabled the login screen background and disabled it again. For now I haven't seen any pop ups. The Cinnamon version is 6.0.4