Tobias-Fischer / rt_gene

RT-GENE: Real-Time Eye Gaze and Blink Estimation in Natural Environments
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Getting Error: ModuleNotFoundError #95

Closed balandongiv closed 3 years ago

balandongiv commented 3 years ago

I am using the commit version 164e62cdc3c70bdc7d86df87e14d52cb331c923f under the master branch.

Upon executing estimate_blink_standalone

The compiler return an error

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rt_bene'

Is this expected for the latest branch update. Also, I am unable to find any directory with the name rt_bene

balandongiv commented 3 years ago

This error due to the folder rt_genet/src no included as the source folder. In part due to no fulfilling the requirement

Download RT-GENE and add the source folder to your PYTHONPATH environment variable:

cd $HOME/ && git clone
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/rt_gene/rt_gene/src

For Pycharm user,the folder rt_genet/src can be included as the source folder as per the OP.