TobiasBielefeld / Simple-Search

[Android] Simple search app with a widget
GNU General Public License v3.0
41 stars 15 forks source link

integration of local app searches #5

Open ramack opened 6 years ago

ramack commented 6 years ago

For internet search this is a nice app, but whenever I want ro search the web I directly use a browser... I think a big benefit to use a search app/widget would be given if it would do an instant local search. Many apps have some form of searchable contentproviders and it would be great to search them all from a common place -like this app. Maybe not blindly anything, but configurable, to allow use cases like instant search in the addressbook showing the results in a drop down, and in the drop down also an entry to search a web search engine and the navigation app for locations, but never the emails...

TobiasBielefeld commented 6 years ago

this would be way more than ever intended for my little app. But I will look into this in the future :)

ramack commented 6 years ago

All big things start small...

joshp23 commented 5 years ago

This as a plugin might be an interesring way to go? It would also be helpful to have a plugin to search contacts ;)