TobiasBuchholz / Plugin.Firebase

Wrapper around the native Android and iOS Firebase Xamarin SDKs
MIT License
211 stars 49 forks source link

Adding AddAuthDidStateChangeListener to FirebaseAuth #221

Closed AdamEssenmacher closed 11 months ago

AdamEssenmacher commented 11 months ago

@TobiasBuchholz I figure you'd prefer to keep new feature development on the MAUI branch, but I'd like to introduce this feature in legacy first and then port it forward. I'll explain why.

I'm currently in the process of migrating a Xamarin.Forms app built on Firebase to MAUI. I've been using forked versions of @f-miyu's Firebase plugins. I'm working to swap out f-miyu's plugins with 'legacy' Plugin.Firebase in my XF app as part of my migration plan. Given this, it's more natural for me to close the feature gaps between f-miyu's plugins and Plugin.Firebase on the legacy branch. I'll be validating these changes through my own production pipeline, then porting them forward to the development branch.

Some other features I'll be looking to add in this way real soon: