TobiasBuchholz / Plugin.Firebase

Wrapper around the native Android and iOS Firebase Xamarin SDKs
MIT License
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Crashlytics exception stacktrace #243

Closed tranb3r closed 9 months ago

tranb3r commented 9 months ago


I've just realized that Crashlytics in not showing the stacktrace of recorded exceptions.

Here is the StackTraceParser regex in the current version: ^\s*at (?<className>\S+)\.(?<methodName>\S+ \(.*\)) (?<offset>.*?)( in (?<fileName>.+):(?<lineNumber>\d+))?\s*$

I think the correct regex should be: ^\s*at (?<className>\S+)\.(?<methodName>\S+\(.*\))( in (?<fileName>.+):line (?<lineNumber>\d+))?\s*$

Tested with this trace: at MyNamespace.MyClass.MyMethod(MyParameters) in C:\MyFolder\MyFile.cs:line 42


What do you think?

TobiasBuchholz commented 9 months ago

Hey @tranb3r, sorry for the late response and thanks a lot for your contribution! The fix is now released with Plugin.Firebase.Crashlytics 2.0.2 and Plugin.Firebase 2.0.10 🚀