TobiasBuchholz / Plugin.Firebase

Wrapper around the native Android and iOS Firebase Xamarin SDKs
MIT License
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Error trying to publish .Net Maui app to Apple Store Connect #268

Open khalil2099 opened 4 months ago

khalil2099 commented 4 months ago

I have managed to compile my .net maui project into an .ipa file.

After that, I used the Transporter app to upload the .ipa file to Apple Store Connect.

During verification, the Transporter app gave me a lot of errors.

Here are some of the errors:

Asset validation failed (90203)
Invalid architecture. The executable in “” contains the following architectures: [x86_64]. An app extension or framework must include 64-bit support. (ID: 2f1bf56b-d1c1-4aa8-988d-87f9d112fbbb)

Invalid architecture. The executable in “” contains the following architectures: [x86_64]. An app extension or framework must include 64-bit support. (ID: d70cf62d-0a83-457a-93b1-178a28f3728d)

Invalid architecture. The executable in “” contains the following architectures: [x86_64]. An app extension or framework must include 64-bit support. (ID: 7496a7cd-d3d9-44f3-8162-7b35fb5343a1)

Invalid bundle structure. The “” binary file is not permitted. Your app cannot contain standalone executables or libraries, other than a valid CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. For details, visit: (ID: ff2ec0bf-5446-4bf1-9f3a-9eb4effbe164)

Missing 64-bit support. iOS apps uploaded to App Store Connect must include 64-bit support. (ID: b45e0731-7b70-40ed-8709-3ef1580ec416)

I already put 64-bit platform on my csproj file.


If I remove Plugin.Firebase from my project, I can submit to Apple Store Connect without any errors.

Is it because Plugin.Firebase is not compatible with ARM64 ?

AdamEssenmacher commented 4 months ago

This plugin is based on Microsoft-published iOS bindings, which Microsoft has allowed to go stale. There's nothing this plugin can do about it, short of swapping out the official Microsoft bindings with others.

Join us at to let the team know what you think about this.

khalil2099 commented 4 months ago

for those who are having trouble like me, my alternative is like this:

send push notification to APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) from ASP.NET server using dotAPNS ( library, and exclude Firebase library on iOS build/compilation.

this is just for sending push notification to iPhone, but for firebase crash analytics, i dont have solution for that.

AdamEssenmacher commented 1 month ago

Is this issue resolved with version 3.0.0?