TobitSoftware / clipinc

A browser extension to record Spotify songs as you listen to them.
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Recording doesn't start #27

Closed buettiB closed 10 months ago

buettiB commented 11 months ago

It's not possible to start the recording. Error in console:

Error in event handler: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'parentNode') at f (chrome-extension://oppggbgnmeainpanihcbcdniomfobmec/content/content.js:1:4331) at chrome-extension://oppggbgnmeainpanihcbcdniomfobmec/content/content.js:1:4831

Browser: Edge (OS: Mac & Win 11)

duesentrieb26 commented 11 months ago

I can confirm this error Version 116.0.5845.96 (Official Build) (arm64)

tobistut commented 11 months ago

I also can confirm this error; on both browser, Edge and Chrome

hpoepping commented 11 months ago

This should fix the issue. New version (1.12.10) of the extension has been submitted to chrome web store and should be available soon.

buettiB commented 11 months ago

Thanks. Build the extension locally with the fix but still get an error. This time it's:

Error in event handler: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'volume') at getVolume (chrome-extension://feahcgffjpdgehldgcgbikhljdomhjgl/content/content.js:325:57) at chrome-extension://feahcgffjpdgehldgcgbikhljdomhjgl/content/content.js:386:25

buettiB commented 11 months ago

Just saw that the Update is available in Chrome Store. Installed it from there and got the same issue as mentioned above.

hpoepping commented 11 months ago

The error seems to occur when the volume was never changed. Should be fixed with version 1.12.11

buettiB commented 11 months ago

Build it locally and even with 1.12.11 it doesn't work. This time no error in console. Did multiple tries with installing/uninstalling of Clipinc and Browser-Cache reset but nothing did help. Clipinc executed once prevents the browser form playing sound. After uninstalling Clipinc, sound works perfectly. As I said console doesn't give any message. Is there anything else I can provide you with to get closer to the fix? (Currently only tested on MacOS with Edge)

buettiB commented 11 months ago

1.12.11 is now available in Chrome Store. Installed it from there on Win 11 in Chrome Browser. Same behaviour as mentioned above: No recording but no error.

buettiB commented 11 months ago

Don't know how and why but the behaviour changed a little. Recording Window incates that it's recording but loads infinitaly. I build 1.12.11 locally and get a few errors in the extension view of Chrome:

clipinc: could not retrieve remote track info SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input content/content.js:262


Error in event handler: Error: Unknown command received: spotifyUpdateTrack popup/index.html

In the Browser Console I see:

clipinc: could not retrieve remote track info SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at content.js:237:26

KULTA commented 11 months ago

1.12.11 is now available in Chrome Store. Installed it from there on Win 11 in Chrome Browser. Same behaviour as mentioned above: No recording but no error.

I can also confirm for Chrome on the MacBook Pro: You can't record with the latest version. In addition, after trying to record, you won't be able to hear anything if you try to start the player without recording. As a result, I copied the URL and opened it again (in a new tab). There I could hear something. I then pressed the record button again and heard nothing again, but clipinc showed a recording. Then I stopped the reccording and started the playing and recording again - and it works: I can record something. So it seems for me, that the tool still works but have some bugs.

buettiB commented 11 months ago

Did ist actually record something and downloaded the mp3? In my case it only seems like recording but nothing happened.

KULTA commented 11 months ago

It realy recorded a complete album and downloaded it as mp3. Then I tryed a second one but there was only one track downloaded (and that was the last one of the album). It seems that the titel of the album was to long, so there was no space for adding the tracks in the titel, so every new one overwrite an old one.

hpoepping commented 10 months ago

The function to automatically start playing the track when clicking on "start recording" did not work anymore. This caused that the extension could show the indicator for recording while doing nothing. Also if a track was already playing it showed the current track as being recorded but could not save it because the beginning was missing. Any subsequent tracks should have been working though. This should be fixed with the next version.

buettiB commented 10 months ago

This seems to fix the error now. Everything works as expected! Thanks for your support @hpoepping and thanks to the team for maintaining this free extension!