TodePond / Arroost

arrows in arrows in arrows
MIT License
100 stars 8 forks source link

🎵 Arrows in Arrows in Arrows #3

Closed TodePond closed 8 months ago

TodePond commented 1 year ago








TodePond commented 1 year ago

Tree of Fame time

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Tree of Fame done

Habitat time!!

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Working on some state management stuff for habitat, and did a cleanup

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Habitat updated

now big change coming

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Renamed ArrowRoost to Arroost

TodePond commented 1 year ago

I got some barebones structure going

and deployed at

TodePond commented 1 year ago

I did some more updates to habitat

TodePond commented 1 year ago


TodePond commented 1 year ago

I added a todo list of things to R+D

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Figured out all the arrows - now changed to list of things to code. Here we go!

TodePond commented 1 year ago

just a lil update: Arrow of Creation is going

Now working on Recording + Noise

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Make Noise go behind the Recording. Make Noise double-ended. Make Recording a circle button.

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Moved em to issues

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Updated the script! based on more train work

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Script done

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Technically, recording + noise code are done. Creation still needs cloning!

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Voice done and edited - but will probably do some reshoots


sections need a bit of restructuring. there's too much of a long silence at the start of the destruction section (maybe appropriate though???)

also control is weirdly placed.

the interruptions need to be less conversational, more simplistic, and less mean. "berd............ (dancing stop).... no music...... (chp)"

also outro, don't commentate it, just let it happen throughout the credits, and then only realise afterwards - "wait... w d b g?" "wait.... d b f a?"

yeah ok, and think that'll do it!!!!! decision needed later about music in credits, but that's fine either way

TodePond commented 1 year ago


skifli commented 1 year ago

You should really lock these issues to contributors only.

TodePond commented 1 year ago

no its ok :)

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Nogan fully refactored, now back to the Arroost UI

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Arroost and Nogan now WORKING TOGETHER

TodePond commented 1 year ago

Major progress on arroost UI, speeding up a lot now

Might need to rescript + rerecord arrow of infinity as ive found a much cooler way of doing it

TodePond commented 10 months ago

Updated to reflect current status

TodePond commented 9 months ago

updated to current status

mahdoosh1 commented 9 months ago


  • [x] Tree of Fame
  • [x] Habitat
  • [ ] Cursors
  • [ ] Screen of Fame ...

How cool!

Destruction gets introduced in the end!

TodePond commented 9 months ago

yeah its gonna do some more stuff too :)

TodePond commented 9 months ago

arrow of reality code done

TodePond commented 9 months ago

updated script, started screen of fame, started video outro

ivanreese commented 9 months ago

No music!!!?

mahdoosh1 commented 9 months ago

hey Luke, where did you learn js? in school or online course or where?

i am not good at js and i want to learn it properly, i have learned python using SoloLearn (not to advertise) are there any better choices?

TodePond commented 8 months ago

hey Luke, where did you learn js? in school or online course or where?

I first learned javascript on codecademy! it was quite nice and simple back then though

TodePond commented 8 months ago

creation video done, also cursors and screen of fame done

mahdoosh1 commented 8 months ago

creation video done, also cursors and screen of fame done


Can't wait for the finished Video!!

TodePond commented 8 months ago

arrow of recording video done

TodePond commented 8 months ago

arrow of noise video done

TodePond commented 8 months ago


TodePond commented 8 months ago

feedback applied, except for panning, which I'll do when I'm using my better headphones

TodePond commented 8 months ago

connection video done

TodePond commented 8 months ago

voice for time done

TodePond commented 8 months ago

video for timing done

TodePond commented 8 months ago

timing voice done

TodePond commented 8 months ago

first half of timing video done

TodePond commented 8 months ago

wrapping up for today, did most of the music for timing video. maybe add some wind instruments tomorrow

TodePond commented 8 months ago


TodePond commented 8 months ago

feedback applied except for the "chain sounds" ones because gonna do more with that section anyway

TodePond commented 8 months ago

music for timing done

TodePond commented 8 months ago


TodePond commented 8 months ago


TodePond commented 8 months ago

readjusted todo list now that i cut some more stuff