TodePond / CellPond

surreal cellular automata
MIT License
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Variables #346

Open Nardeem opened 3 months ago

Nardeem commented 3 months ago

Just a way for cells or the world to remember things. could help with making stuff like pheromones with ants and basically adds intelligence, maybe it could be a shape that would make something say "if [white][red] => [black][white] add 1 to var 1", so if that action is done, it would add 1 to the first variable. And this variable could also have options, like instead of setting a number, it could set relative coordinates on the board.

TeraByte-Official commented 1 month ago

Concept art image The function depends on where the triangle marked with a blue outline is facing. Left: Add Right: Add X coordinate Up: Add Y coordinate Down: Reset to 0

This does require down arrows to be implemented, but I think it's the best I can do.

As for functionality, the octagon shape makes it so that only 256 variables can be stored at once, but that's plenty. The values can be stored in a vector3, with the first two coordinates being X and Y, and the last coordinate being the variable's value.