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Petition to remove 'htmlClassName" #219

Open JakubGluszek opened 1 year ago

JakubGluszek commented 1 year ago

We all know that a real Top G only ever uses inline styling. Classess are way-overrated. Who's with me?

Magnogen commented 1 year ago

Best of both worlds: add styling classes like bootstrap.

skyrina commented 1 year ago

I suggest the ability to assign classes inside css stylesheets, for example:

            fctin App() => {
         return <div>
   .bigText {
font-size: calc(23.6px - 1.3em / -2.01 + 20vh * 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 * 0.30000000000000004);
   .blueText: {
color: #0100fe;
class: bigText;
      <span style="class: blueText;">Hello world!</span>
Magnogen commented 1 year ago

I love this idea. It looks really intuitive, and it would make sense for new users

1j01 commented 1 year ago

I'm +1 on this. If we remove htmlClassName, we can use htmlClassName to define Custom Elements.

jessiejs commented 1 year ago
