TodePond / DreamBerd

perfect programming language
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[Feature Request] Networking #604

Open Evotushon opened 6 months ago

Evotushon commented 6 months ago

New Network Protocol (not for the faint-hearted)

Each machine sends to the server their packet structure (custom structure that doesn't follow any already made standard like TCP or UDP - too boring) and viceversa, then sends the packet. The other machine then decides in some way if it will actually get the packet (either at random or by playing rock paper scissors with the computer following an infinite recursion of sending packets). Also, the bytes are converted to a base-14 system. Then it is converted as if it were hex to a base-x system where x is a number agreed from the machine owners before the software runs (if they don't agree, idk I'll probably write something more later). There will also be an optional handshake which the machines don't have to do if the other machines are too dirty. Also, after receiving lots of packets, each machine will close because of their introversy. Min-maxing people are also welcome, so they can max out extroversy, but too much extroversy means more chances to get dirty, aka installing malware! Each time someone installs DreamBerd, there is a chance that they get a virus that can be transmitted to other machines via packets! This virus will get removed after some months or if DreamBerd is flagged as malware by a local antivirus. Also, safety in the internet is the biggest priority! While by default any person who can send packets to a machine that runs DreamBerd can use arbitrary code execution by default, there is a (well hidden) setting in the installer that serves to manage the max number (in a base-360 system of course) of bytes of memory usable by other machines to run code. This setting cannot be changed and no code can be run from the internet if not in this way. If you wanted to run (un)safe code on your PC you should've thought of that from the start. If you REALLY wanted to run code from other PCs you can directly ask Lu Wilson to change your setting. This is only doable once per geological era. However, since we're near Easter, just for this month this setting is doable only once in a lifetime! That means that if you die and then you resurrect, you'll be able to change the setting once again.