TodePond / DreamBerd

perfect programming language
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Please add Support for "m_" Prefix for Member Variables #611

Open janniksam opened 1 month ago

janniksam commented 1 month ago


As we embark on a new project at my company, we're exploring the potential of DreamBerd as our programming language of choice. The features it offers, particularly its semantic naming capabilities, are quite promising.

However, we've encountered a hurdle: our developers have become accustomed to a particular convention over the past 15 years that we find indispensable. Specifically, we're accustomed to prefixing member variables with "m_" as a standard practice.

We attempted to implement this convention in DreamBerd, but encountered an unexpected behavior where it interprets the prefix as indicating a "magnitude" datatype. To streamline our workflow and maintain consistency with our existing codebase, we kindly request adding support for member variables prefixed with "m_".

One potential solution could be to have DreamBerd ignore everything preceding an underscore in member variable names in the future.

Thank you in advance for considering our request.

Best regards, Jannik