TodePond / DreamBerd

perfect programming language
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Can I use a negative number of quotes while declaring a string? #627

Open TenViki opened 1 month ago

TenViki commented 1 month ago

As mentioned in the specification, you can define a string with any number of quotes. However, it does not specify, if or how can string be created with a negative number of quotes.

I would like for some more information about this specific, as I believe it would be useful in my use case of trying to run DreamBerd on a quantum computer.

TodePond commented 1 month ago

interesting and alarming

MatthewMarinets commented 1 month ago

I strikes me that some human languages like German can use „Gänsefüßchen", and using them to represent negative amounts would be in-line with inverted exclamation points:

you can use an inverted exclamation mark for negative priority.

However, commas (how I normally write subscript quotation marks) are already semantically significant. For that reason, I propose using the rich-text support to make "subscripted quotation marks" (here written with the <sub> tag) for maximum ease of writing.

Edit: a German speaker has informed me that „Gänsefüßchen" literally means "geese's feetsies", so a goose emoji :goose: / and a foot emoji 🦶 should also be acceptable opening- and closing- negative quotation marks.

mybearworld commented 1 month ago

Could » and « act as -1i and +1i respectively, then?