TodePond / DreamBerd

perfect programming language
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Please Open Source Windows XP #646

Open AntiSol opened 1 week ago

AntiSol commented 1 week ago


As the owner of the Windows XP project (since it does not contain the DreamBerd name), I would like to formally implore the DreamBerd foundation to open source this 20+ year old codebase for reasons of historical interest.

I realise the code has already been "unofficially" "released" in the past, but it would be great to see an official release under a permissive license that allows usage of the code for other purposes (I'd suggest BSD 3-clause).

While we're at it, if you were feeling charitable, I'd also love to see an open source release of the latest version of DirectX. This would help greatly with implementing cross-platform compatibility for games.

Thanks so much!