Together-Java / TJ-Bot

TJ-Bot is a Discord Bot used on the Together Java server. It is maintained by the community, anyone can contribute.
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Display help thread stats #1128

Open ankitsmt211 opened 1 month ago

ankitsmt211 commented 1 month ago

inspired from issue #660 , we started storing more data for each help_thread. The data that is stored now includes:

  1. ticket_status : if the thread is active or archived
  2. tags: tags used for that help_thread
  3. closed_at: timestamp when the thread was last archived
  4. participants: No of people that interacted with help_thread via messages (excluding OP)
  5. message_count: No of messages that were sent in the thread till it's archived

Our goal is somehow showcase stats related to help_thread, which can now be done using slash commands. help-thread-stats -> command to show case stats, it should take option such as duration as a choice. Duration choices will be 1 day, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days and 180 days(default can be 1 day if not provided)

Possible data to showcase,

  1. Most used tag
  2. Average duration of threads lifecycle(from creation to latest archival)
  3. Average no of participants per thread
  4. No of threads with 0 participants(no activity)
  5. Total no of threads created
  6. Average no of messages per thread(this data could be off at times, since message count is updated on archival of thread instead on every message sent)
  7. Most active duration throughout a day(when most of threads are created)

    This is top of my mind, ofc we can showcase more cool stuff if possible. This is open for discussion.