TogetherCrew / frontend

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Development #292

Closed mehdi-torabiv closed 5 months ago

mehdi-torabiv commented 5 months ago

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 5 months ago


The recent updates focus on enhancing role-based access control across various components, refining user interface interactions, and improving data management. Key changes include the introduction of a higher-order component for role checking, updates to user and announcement management with platformId, and various user interface adjustments for better accessibility and functionality.


File Path Change Summary
.../TcAnnouncementsTable.tsx Added useToken hook, community state, and logic for platformId.
.../create/privateMessaageContainer/*.tsx Fixed typos, updated props, and removed unused states across multiple files.
.../communitySettings/rolesAndPermissions/* Added new components and tests for managing roles and permissions.
.../layouts/*.tsx Updated sidebar components to adjust menu items based on user permissions.
src/components/shared/TcButton.tsx Enhanced ITcButtonProps to accept text as string or JSX element.
src/context/TokenContext.tsx Updated TokenProvider with asynchronous functions and role fetching.
src/lib/data/heatmap.ts Adjusted heatmap color gradient.
src/pages/... Wrapped various pages with withRoles HOC for role-based access control.
src/store/slices/*.ts Updated slices to include platformId and new user role functions.
src/store/types/*.ts Updated interfaces to include new parameters and methods.
src/utils/withRoles.tsx Introduced withRoles HOC for permission control.

Changes abound, the code does hop,
Through fields of logic, nonstop.
With roles wrapped tight, permissions checked,
A safer app, as specs direct.
Hop hop hop, on soft green grass,
Our rabbit's code, first class! 🌼🌟

Recent Review Details **Configuration used: CodeRabbit UI**
Commits Files that changed from the base of the PR and between e268ec1411817206714d9256966807d6694eb9ee and f74ebcd0226a1ee69f5b10ca8ff0f9f8dfacb7ea.
Files selected for processing (29) * src/components/announcements/TcAnnouncementsTable.tsx (3 hunks) * src/components/announcements/create/privateMessaageContainer/TcPrivateMessageContainer.tsx (1 hunks) * src/components/announcements/create/privateMessaageContainer/TcRolesAutoComplete.tsx (4 hunks) * src/components/announcements/create/privateMessaageContainer/TcUsersAutoComplete.tsx (4 hunks) * src/components/announcements/create/publicMessageContainer/TcPublicMessageContainer.tsx (1 hunks) * src/components/communitySettings/rolesAndPermissions/TcRolesAndPermissionsContainer.spec.tsx (1 hunks) * src/components/communitySettings/rolesAndPermissions/TcRolesAndPermissionsContainer.tsx (1 hunks) * src/components/communitySettings/rolesAndPermissions/index.ts (1 hunks) * src/components/layouts/Sidebar.tsx (3 hunks) * src/components/layouts/xs/SidebarXs.tsx (4 hunks) * src/components/shared/TcButton.tsx (1 hunks) * src/context/TokenContext.tsx (4 hunks) * src/lib/data/heatmap.ts (1 hunks) * src/pages/announcements/create-new-announcements.tsx (3 hunks) * src/pages/announcements/edit-announcements/index.tsx (4 hunks) * src/pages/announcements/index.tsx (3 hunks) * src/pages/community-health.tsx (2 hunks) * src/pages/community-settings/index.tsx (3 hunks) * src/pages/community-settings/platform/index.tsx (2 hunks) * src/pages/growth.tsx (2 hunks) * src/pages/index.tsx (2 hunks) * src/pages/membersInteraction.tsx (3 hunks) * src/pages/statistics.tsx (2 hunks) * src/store/slices/announcementsSlice.ts (3 hunks) * src/store/slices/userSlice.ts (1 hunks) * src/store/types/IAnnouncements.ts (1 hunks) * src/store/types/IUser.ts (1 hunks) * src/utils/interfaces.ts (2 hunks) * src/utils/withRoles.tsx (1 hunks)
Files skipped from review due to trivial changes (2) * src/components/announcements/create/privateMessaageContainer/TcPrivateMessageContainer.tsx * src/components/communitySettings/rolesAndPermissions/index.ts
Additional comments not posted (62)
src/store/types/IUser.ts (2)
`6-8`: LGTM! The `getUserCommunityRolePayload` interface is well-defined and follows TypeScript best practices. --- `14-16`: Consider adding documentation for `getUserCommunityRole`. It's not immediately clear why this method returns `Promise`. Documenting its side effects or state changes would improve clarity.
src/pages/community-settings/platform/index.tsx (2)
`6-6`: Correct import of `withRoles`. Good placement and usage. --- `27-27`: Proper application of `withRoles` to enforce 'admin' role requirement on the `Index` component. This enhances security by restricting access as intended.
src/store/slices/userSlice.ts (3)
`23-30`: The implementation of `getUserCommunityRole` is mostly correct. Consider adding error handling in the catch block to manage potential API call failures effectively. --- `10-10`: Proper initialization of `userRolePermissions` state variable. This setup facilitates effective state management for user permissions. --- `11-16`: Verify the use of `patch` request in `getUser`. Typically, `getUser` should use a `get` request unless updating data. Please ensure this change is intentional and consider adding documentation to clarify this choice.
src/store/types/IAnnouncements.ts (2)
`19-35`: The addition of `platformId` to function signatures is consistent and likely reflects new multi-platform handling requirements. Verify that all dependent components and functions have been updated to include this new parameter. --- `15-15`: Renaming `id` to `announcementsId` in `IPatchExistingAnnouncementsProps` enhances clarity and aligns with best practices for code readability.
src/components/shared/TcButton.tsx (1)
`18-18`: The update to the `ITcButtonProps` interface, allowing `text` to be either a string or a JSX element, enhances the flexibility and usability of the `TcButton` component.
src/pages/index.tsx (2)
`12-12`: Correct import of `withRoles`. Good placement and usage. --- `47-47`: Proper application of `withRoles` to enforce 'view' and 'admin' role requirements on the `Index` component. This enhances security by restricting access as intended.
src/utils/withRoles.tsx (1)
`22-52`: The implementation of `withRoles` is robust, correctly using Zustand for state management and React hooks for lifecycle management. This setup effectively enforces role-based access control.
src/components/communitySettings/rolesAndPermissions/TcRolesAndPermissionsContainer.spec.tsx (1)
`24-53`: The test suite for `TcRolesAndPermissionsContainer` is well-structured and effectively verifies the component's rendering behavior. Good use of mocks and assertions.
src/pages/community-health.tsx (2)
`15-15`: Import of `withRoles` is correctly placed and follows standard conventions. --- `62-62`: Ensure that the roles specified in `withRoles` ('view', 'admin') align with the intended access control requirements for the `CommunityHealth` component.
src/pages/community-settings/index.tsx (2)
`5-5`: Import of `TcRolesAndPermissions` is correctly placed and follows standard conventions. --- `81-81`: Ensure that the role specified in `withRoles` ('admin') aligns with the intended access control requirements for the `Index` component.
src/store/slices/announcementsSlice.ts (4)
`8-25`: > :memo: **NOTE** > This review was outside the diff hunks and was mapped to the diff hunk with the greatest overlap. Original lines [11-34] The inclusion of `platformId` in the `retrieveAnnouncements` function's API endpoint is correctly implemented. Ensure that the `platformId` is always validated on the server side to prevent unauthorized access. --- `43-50`: The inclusion of `platformId` in the `retrieveAnnouncementById` function's API endpoint is correctly implemented. Ensure that the `platformId` is always validated on the server side to prevent unauthorized access. --- `57-62`: The inclusion of `platformId` in the `createNewAnnouncements` function's API endpoint is correctly implemented. Ensure that the `platformId` is always validated on the server side to prevent unauthorized access. --- `70-76`: The inclusion of `platformId` in the `patchExistingAnnouncement` function's API endpoint is correctly implemented. Ensure that the `platformId` is always validated on the server side to prevent unauthorized access.
src/utils/interfaces.ts (2)
`30-30`: The update to the `IRoles` interface to allow `deletedAt` to be `string` or `null` is correctly implemented. This change enhances flexibility in handling role deletions. --- `204-204`: The addition of the `avatar` field to the `IUser` interface is correctly implemented. This change allows for better user profile management by including avatar information.
src/lib/data/heatmap.ts (6)
`65-67`: The adjustment of color stops at 9% and 10% in the heatmap chart options is correctly implemented. This change creates a smoother gradient effect in the visualization. --- `67-69`: The adjustment of color stops at 19% and 20% in the heatmap chart options is correctly implemented. This change creates a smoother gradient effect in the visualization. --- `69-70`: The adjustment of color stops at 29% and 30% in the heatmap chart options is correctly implemented. This change creates a smoother gradient effect in the visualization. --- `70-71`: The adjustment of color stops at 49% and 50% in the heatmap chart options is correctly implemented. This change creates a smoother gradient effect in the visualization. --- `71-73`: The adjustment of color stops at 69% and 70% in the heatmap chart options is correctly implemented. This change creates a smoother gradient effect in the visualization. --- `73-75`: The adjustment of color stops at 99% and 100% in the heatmap chart options is correctly implemented. This change creates a smoother gradient effect in the visualization.
src/pages/growth.tsx (1)
`155-155`: Ensure that the roles specified in `withRoles` ('view', 'admin') align with the intended access control requirements for the `Growth` component.
src/context/TokenContext.tsx (3)
`32-32`: The inclusion of `getUserCommunityRole` function in `TokenProvider` is correctly implemented. This function enhances the role management capabilities by fetching and updating community roles. --- `87-87`: The modification to make the `updateToken` function asynchronous is correctly implemented. This change allows for better handling of token updates, especially when interacting with external services or APIs. --- `105-105`: The modification to make the `updateCommunity` function asynchronous is correctly implemented. This change allows for better handling of community updates, especially when interacting with external services or APIs.
src/components/layouts/Sidebar.tsx (1)
`88-94`: The functionality to dynamically adjust menu items based on user permissions is correctly implemented. This change enhances the user experience by tailoring the interface to user roles. Ensure that the filtering logic is thoroughly tested to confirm its correctness.
src/components/layouts/xs/SidebarXs.tsx (3)
`22-22`: Import of `useAppStore` correctly added to manage state. --- `31-33`: Initialization of `userPermissions` using `useAppStore` is correctly implemented to fetch user role permissions. --- `101-107`: Dynamic filtering of menu items based on user permissions is implemented correctly. Ensure that the roles are correctly defined in the store to match 'admin'.
src/pages/membersInteraction.tsx (2)
`14-14`: Import of `withRoles` correctly added for role-based access control. --- `199-199`: Correct application of `withRoles` to the `MembersInteraction` component, enhancing role-based access control.
src/components/announcements/create/privateMessaageContainer/TcRolesAutoComplete.tsx (4)
`13-13`: Making `isDisabled` optional with a default value enhances flexibility in component usage. --- `14-14`: Renaming `handleSelectedUsers` to `handleSelectedRoles` correctly reflects its functionality. --- `30-32`: Initialization of `selectedRoles` with `privateSelectedRoles` or an empty array is correctly implemented. --- `139-150`: Removal of `isInitialized` state simplifies the component by removing unnecessary state management.
src/components/announcements/create/privateMessaageContainer/TcUsersAutoComplete.tsx (3)
`16-16`: Making `isDisabled` optional with a default value enhances flexibility in component usage. --- `33-35`: Initialization of `selectedUsers` with `privateSelectedUsers` or an empty array is correctly implemented. --- `151-158`: Removal of `isInitialized` state simplifies the component by removing unnecessary state management.
src/pages/announcements/index.tsx (2)
`136-136`: Adding `platformId` to the `retrieveAnnouncements` function call correctly aligns with the need to fetch announcements specific to a platform. --- `256-256`: Correctly exporting the `Index` component with roles, specifically for 'admin', to enforce role-based access control.
src/components/announcements/create/publicMessageContainer/TcPublicMessageContainer.tsx (1)
Line range hint `1-1`: Removal of the `useEffect` hook that logged the `publicMessage` state simplifies the component by removing unnecessary console logging.
src/pages/statistics.tsx (2)
`23-23`: Import of `withRoles` is correctly placed and follows project structure conventions. --- `372-372`: Usage of `withRoles` to wrap the `Statistics` component with roles `['view', 'admin']` aligns with the PR's objectives to enhance role-based access control.
Verification successful --- The usage of `withRoles` in the `Statistics` component is consistent with its implementation across various other components in the project, as evidenced by the presence of `withRoles` in multiple TypeScript files. This confirms that the role-based access control enhancement is applied broadly within the application, aligning with the project's objectives. **Conclusion: The implementation of `withRoles` in the `Statistics` component is verified as consistent and appropriate within the context of the project's role-based access control enhancements.**
Scripts Executed The following scripts were executed for the analysis: --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Search for other usages of `withRoles` to ensure consistent implementation across the project. rg --type tsx "withRoles" --files-with-matches ``` Length of output: 74 --- --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Correcting the previous script to search for usages of `withRoles` in TypeScript files. rg "withRoles" --type ts --files-with-matches ``` Length of output: 426
src/pages/announcements/create-new-announcements.tsx (2)
`20-20`: Added import for `withRoles` higher-order component. --- `343-343`: Wrapped `CreateNewAnnouncements` component with `withRoles` HOC, restricting access to 'admin' roles.
Verification successful --- ### Review Summary The review comment concerns the wrapping of the `CreateNewAnnouncements` component with the `withRoles` higher-order component (HOC), restricting access to users with the 'admin' role. The verification script was intended to check if `withRoles` is properly imported and used in other components where role-based access is necessary. ### Analysis of Script Output The output from the script execution shows several components wrapped with the `withRoles` HOC, specifying different roles for access control. Notably, the `CreateNewAnnouncements` component is confirmed to be wrapped with `withRoles`, restricting access to the 'admin' role, as mentioned in the review comment. ### Conclusion The verification confirms that the `CreateNewAnnouncements` component is correctly wrapped with the `withRoles` HOC, as described in the review comment. Additionally, the script output shows consistent use of the `withRoles` HOC across various components in the codebase, indicating a pattern of role-based access control implementation. **Final Response:** The wrapping of the `CreateNewAnnouncements` component with the `withRoles` HOC, restricting access to 'admin' roles, has been successfully verified. The usage of `withRoles` across different components in the codebase is consistent and aligns with the intended access control strategy.
Scripts Executed The following scripts were executed for the analysis: --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Verify that the `withRoles` HOC is properly imported and used in other components where role-based access is necessary. rg --type tsx --files-with-matches 'withRoles' | xargs rg 'export default withRoles' ``` Length of output: 995
src/pages/announcements/edit-announcements/index.tsx (4)
`20-20`: Added import for `withRoles` higher-order component. --- `138-138`: Modified `retrieveAnnouncementById` function call to include `platformId` parameter. --- `168-169`: Modified `patchExistingAnnouncement` function call to include `platformId` parameter and adjusted the object properties passed to the function. --- `384-384`: Wrapped `Index` component with `withRoles` HOC, restricting access to 'admin' roles.
Verification successful --- The verification script has successfully identified multiple instances where the `withRoles` Higher-Order Component (HOC) is used across various components in the codebase. This confirms that the `withRoles` HOC is indeed properly imported and utilized for role-based access control in several components, including the `Index` component in the `edit-announcements` directory, as specified in the review comment. Given this information, the review comment about wrapping the `Index` component with `withRoles` HOC and restricting access to 'admin' roles is consistent with the usage pattern observed in the codebase. Therefore, the implementation aligns with the established pattern of role-based access control using the `withRoles` HOC. **Conclusion:** The review comment is accurate as per the usage of `withRoles` HOC in the codebase. The implementation in `edit-announcements/index.tsx` is consistent with other similar usages in the project.
Scripts Executed The following scripts were executed for the analysis: --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Verify that the `withRoles` HOC is properly imported and used in other components where role-based access is necessary. rg --type tsx --files-with-matches 'withRoles' | xargs rg 'export default withRoles' ``` Length of output: 995
src/components/announcements/TcAnnouncementsTable.tsx (4)
`24-24`: Added import for `useToken` hook. --- `79-79`: Introduced `community` state using `useToken` hook. --- `88-90`: Implemented logic to retrieve `platformId` based on the condition that the platform is not disconnected. --- `123-123`: Used `platformId` in `deleteAnnouncements` function call.
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