Tok / Gallifreyan

Circular Gallifreyan Transliterator
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Transliteration Errors #2

Open shermansplanet opened 9 years ago

shermansplanet commented 9 years ago

I understand that this is a work in progress and I admire the work that's gone into it, but there are some severe errors that the user should be notified of until they are fixed. I've seen some confusion in the Gallifreyan community based on this translator's inaccuracies.

Errors that I've encountered: • Any letter of the "b" type (b, ch, d, f, g, h) appears as a letter of the "t" type. Similarly, any letter of the "j" type appears as a letter of the "th" type. • There aren't any dots on consonants. This means there is no way to distinguish 'b' from 'd' or 'y' from 'z', for instance.

Tok commented 9 years ago

Hi! Thanks for letting me know. I was not aware about those types of errors and of course i didn't intend to cause any confusion with this. The App has been temporarily stopped until i or somebody else finds time to look into it and provide a fix.

dannygrimes commented 9 years ago

Inaccuracies or not, this tool is sorely missed. I use this shape generator in my artwork all the time. The accuracy of the words is a secondary concern for some of us. LOL. Why deprive the larger community of this tool, simply because of pedantic complaints? Please restore this ASAP, you will have my sincere thanks.